Bill Cipher x Demon! Reader- Ready

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Requested by Lulucifer149, srry it's short, I tried my best

Mabel and Dipper were eating breakfast, well they were goofing off, but for twins that classified as eating essentially.

"Ok, I let you experiment your weird stuff downstairs and even then it wasn't just the basement, we've had to deal with 10 human-eating octopuses this week!" Grunkle Stan and Ford walked in, ensued in an argument, Stan gestured to a metal bucket with a post it that said 'octo chum' before falling off.

"Those were experiments! This is about protecting the family!"
"Nu-uh, not in my house!"
"May I remind you that this is still my house! You just stole it after I disappeared through an interdimensional vortex!"
"I brought you back didn't I?!"
"Guys why're you fighting?! Your twins! Twins don't fight!" Mabel got between them.
"Well your Great Uncle Cookoo here wants to summon a demon to 'protect the family'"
"This very well may be the only shot we have at fortifying our defenses against Bill!"
"Great Uncle Ford, you want to summon a demon? Why?" Dipper asks.

"Because this demon could actually help us, if Stan wouldn't be so belligerent" Ford grumbles.
"Hey! You know I hate it when you use big words that I don't understand!"
"Stan look, for all of my time in dimensional space this demon was the only being I could trust, please Stan. For all our sakes, let me summon them." Stan grunted.

"Fine, but if something goes wrong it's not my fault" he grumbles, sipping his coffee.


" does this work? Why are you laying out ice cream?"
"Dipper, this particular demon is very fond of sweets of any kind, but ice cream especially. It only takes a few tubs to establish a deal with them. Which can be both a good or bad thing, depending on who wishes to summon them, but they are different than any other demon I have encountered, merely because they have a moral compass."
"A deal? Isn't that Bill's territory?" Dipper asks.
"Yes and no, demon law is...mind-numbingly complex"

"I've always wanted to see a demon summoning before!" Mabel grins.
"Summon! Summon! Summon!" Grenda cheers.
"I made a flag" Candy grins.

"Great Uncle Ford do they have to be here?" Dipper asks.
"Unfortunately yes, the more humans the better" Ford answers before beginning the incantation. The words glowed (F/C) before coming off the page. The words piled up to form the shape of a human. They kinda sat floating in mid air, curiously looking around while staying in the same position, just adjusting the angles slightly. They appeared to look female, their hair was tied up in a braid with a fringe covering one of their eyes. Sometimes blue flames appeared before going out and sparks came off at some points. They wore a ninja outfit with a scarf.

"So...who summoned me?" They ask, totally confused.

"It was me (Y/N), I desperately need your help, to protect my family" they turned to Ford, who held out his hands for Dipper and Mabel.

"Aww they're so cute! What're your names?" They cooed.

"Uh hi, I'm Dipper, this is my sister Mabel"
"Are these your children Ford? This one definitely has your aura!" They ruffled the top of Dipper's head.

"Uh no (Y/N), these two are my niece and nephew. My nieces friends are over there."

"Hi, and what are your names?"
"I'm Grenda!"
"And I'm Candy!"
"So adorable! Here, have some flamescotch" you held out some pieces of candy that were on fire.
"No! Uh sorry, but no, they are human. Human's can't digest fire." Ford stopped the kids from taking your candy.

"Aww, a shame, this was my secret stash" you pout before putting the candies back in your hair.

"(Y/N), back to the matter at hand, we need your help to protect this universe and everyone in it, from Bill" your face dropped at his name.

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