Karma x Reader- Ghost AU

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Happy early birthday to Karma! Srry it's so short! I wanted to get it out on time!

You flew around your house aimlessly, the people who you were supposed to 'haunt' for the day were gone and you had no idea what to do. You already did all the chores and tried to feed their cat (it really hates you for some reason).
"Hey (Y/N)!"
"Ah!! Karma what in the seven circles are you doing here?!" You shouted at the ghost. You and Karma died at the same time, your whole block did. It was because on the first day of school your teacher was actually a crazy serial killer who pretended to be your real teacher and killed you guys with nobody to stop them. You and your class decided to hang out at your favorite neighborhood and stay there. You didn't mind being in the physical plane and neither did most of your classmates. Some of them would complain but it was fine. Karma's house was right next to yours and since you had working families he liked to come over and scare you.

"My family's gone don't you remember? Man (Y/N), you really are stupid" Karma comments, phasing the rest of his body through the ceiling and uprighting himself.

"I'm not stupid! I just didn't expect you to pop your head out of the ceiling like that!" You huff.

"Alright, alright, just calm down" Karma ruffled your hair as you continued to pout at him.
"So why are you here? Idiot"
"I was wondering if you wanted to come to the cemetery with us"
"Oi! Karma! Are we going or what?!"
"AAAAHHH!" You got scared by Terasaka's face coming through the wall nearby and you hid behind Karma.

"Yes we're going, come on (Y/N)" Karma took your hand in his, you never knew what his hands felt like before you died but after they were cold. Just like everything else, yet you still felt a spark in your stomach. You've had a crush on Karma when you were alive, it was small and you never really acted on it, but seven circles you wished you did. Though even in death you were still afraid of rejection. Your classmates were floating outside and you all took a journey to the local cemetery. Making sure to avoid other ghosts and the cranky ones. The cemetery was a big place with all kinds of stuff to do. You and your class would often hang out there during the day when there was nothing to do. Sometimes you would talk with the other ghosts and sometimes you would hang out and cause mischief together. Though, first things first, you gotta check your graves to see what you got.

"Karma! Check it out! My parents left me some flowers and a cupcake!" You grin, running over to him with the ghost of the bouquet clutched in one hand and the ghost cupcake in another hand.

"That's nice"
"What did your parents leave you?" You ask him.

"Just a rose"

"Oh, well that's still cool"

"Why did they give you a cupcake?"
"It was my birthday today, do you want to share?" You ask Karma.
"Nah, it's your cupcake and your birthday, you eat it"
"Ok, if you say so..." you trail off taking a small lick of the frosting. It didn't fully taste like a cupcake back when you were alive. It only had a small hint of it and it was never the full thing. Truth be told you kinda missed being alive, but you could do so much cool stuff as a ghost. All of the ghosts here say that you and your class have unfinished business if your still here, but you had no idea what it was. Some of your classmates knew what unfinished business they had to accomplish while others didn't care. You were in between, you wanted to know what the unfinished business was, but you couldn't figure it out. You just wanted the information just in case if Karma moved on without you, you wanted to be with him when he went to the afterlife. You really grew to friends while you were ghosts and Karma was the only person who you felt comfortable sharing your secrets with, even though he scared you and made fun of you all the time. You sat down and watched everything going on.

"Hey (Y/N), do you know what I miss the most about being alive?" Karma asks, sitting down with you.

"Feeling the sunshine like we used to, it just isn't the same now..." Karma trails off, lifting his hand to the sun as if that could change it.

"Yah, I miss being alive too, cats really liked me when I was alive..." Karma laughed.
"Come on (Y/N), you can't seriously think that all cats hate you just because one avoids you like the plague!"
"Dude, I saw a cat in the garden and when I went out to check it, it hissed and ran away"
"It was probably a stray that got scared"

"Whatever, I think cats hate me now" Karma got up as you were feeling sorry for yourself.
"Hey! Where are you going!?"
"To find a cat and prove you wrong"
"But if you need to find a cat and prove me wrong you'll need me..." you trail off.
"Exactly" Karma grins, towering over you, you gulped.
"Karma...what're you gonna do...?" You question, taking a step back. He picked you up and threw you over your shoulder.
"Karma! Let me go! This is an undignified way of carrying a lady!"
"Please, I've seen you eat, your anything but a lady"

"Shut up and put me down!"
"Not a chance"

"Oh look, there's a cat, go on (Y/N)" Karma pushed you forward.

"Hey...kitty, my name is (Y/N)..." it hissed at you and ran off, you sighed.
"See I told you, cats hate me"

"Nope, not enough proof"

"We've tried every cat in the city, every single one hates me" you mutter, watching the sun set, sitting on a cloud. Karma sat with you.

"Well we could try another city tomorrow"
"Are you serious?!"
"Yeah, why not?" Karma questions you.
"Well because...it's obvious those cats are gonna hate me too! I mean it's obvious you proved me wrong already, why continue?"
"Because it's funny watching you accidentally phase into the sewage system" you shivered at the memory.
"Ugh, don't remind me" Karma took the rose out of his jacket.
"Here" Karma handed it to you.

"Karma what..."
"Just think of it as compensation for all the stuff you went through today"
"But this is your gift, the one your family gave to you, I can't accept it"

"Ok then...how about I give you something else instead?" Karma questions you.
"Karma...what're you...?" As soon as you turned around Karma kissed you. As soon as it began, it was over.
"I was going to ask you to a movie that day before we all died...the only reason I lasted so long was because I thought of the times we could have after..but I guess that never happened in the way I wanted it to huh? Now I don't know what the warmth of your hand feels like, it's only cold." Karma held your hand to demonstrate. You noticed he began to glow.

"That was my unfinished business (Y/N)...taking you out and telling you how I felt, now I'm moving on... "
"No! Karma wait! I wanna be with you! I can't move on without you!" You hugged him as he began to glow even brighter.
"You aren't, look, you're moving on too...I'll see you again (Y/N)..." and with that, he disappeared.

A little girl was playing with her bulldozer in the sandbox at the playground.
"A bulldozer?! Aren't those for boys!"
"No....they're for girls too..." she responds nervously to the group of boys who were a year older than her. She looked over to her Mom and saw her talking with the other mothers.

"No I'm pretty sure they're for boys, so give it!"
"No! Let go! That's my toy! I paid for it myself!" She wrestled with the boys as she tried to get her mother's attention. The grip on the toy was slackened as she heard a loud crack she looked at the toy, fearing the worst only to see that it was fine. Another boy her age punched the bully who was trying to grab her toy and he was now bleeding from the nose. He clutched it in surprise.
"No fair! I'm telling Mom!" The boy ran off and the kid turned to you. He had striking red hair and gold eyes.
"Hey, are you ok? My name is Fate, what's yours?"
"(Y...Y/N)..." he smiled.

"It's nice to meet you (Y/N)! I hope we become great friends!" 

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