Blue Beetle x South African! Reader- Visions

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Requested by Naturewarrior300, happy b-day dude

Teacher Name- (T/N)

Favorite Drink- (F/D)

Favorite Flavor- (F/F)

"(Y/N)!" (T/N) called out, making you snap out of your vision.

"Pay attention! This is why you have a D in my class!" The other teens snickered around you as your ears flushed red, why did you have to get this asshole of a teacher for afrikaanse?

It's not why I'm failing but whatever floats your giant ego boat I guess... you took notes on the board, very glad that this was your last class. But, you were also concerned about your walk home.

That vision couldn't have been real, could it? You wondered to yourself as you reflected on what you saw.

"(Y/N), you're a very special girl, with very special powers. You belong on this Team, they could really use someone like you." Black Canary smiled at you, sitting in your living room.

There's no way, my powers are probably wrong this time, they've gotta be. Why would the Justice League take an interest of me in all people? You massage your temples as you thought, your precognition was incredibly useful in most situations but if you see into the future too many times you start to get a headache. You were both happy and worried that this was your last period class.


You walked into your home, you hoped that what you saw was just a fluke as you entered the house.

"Hey! I'm home!" You called out tiredly, before deciding to raid the fridge for some (F/D), not really expecting a response. Your next destination was the living room, where you would get your homework done until your parents got home. As soon as you walked into the living room the only thing you could think of was sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttt. There, just as predicted, was Black Canary, but instead of sitting she was staring at the photos on the mantel.

"Hello there Prophet" she greeted you, turning away from the photos to meet your eye. Everyone in Capetown knew about Prophet, the vigilante who was ten steps ahead of the bad guys and used their martial arts to take down the scum of the city.
"W...what do you want?" You questioned, surprised at your own ability to find your voice.

"Please, take a seat" she gestured to an available couch, you sat down, every nerve on edge.

"You seem surprised to see me here, I thought you would've predicted that I was here" Black Canary spoke as she sat on an armchair across from you.

"My powers only allow me to see the future that is most likely, not most definite" you answered, trying to come up with some way for you to escape this.
"So you thought seeing me was a fluke?"
"I was hoping"

"Hm, I see, why?"
"A League member in my house isn't something exactly ideal for me to find on a Friday" you adjusted your position on the couch.

"That's understandable, do you know why I'm here?"
" want me to join some kind of Team?"

"Yes, (Y/N), you're a very special girl with very special powers. You belong on this team, we could use someone like you." Black Canary smiled, you thought to yourself about this. You were comfortable working on your own, you didn't have to tell anyone your plan, you didn't have to answer to anyone, you didn't quite want to throw that away yet.

"I don't like working with others, too many variables"
"That's why we need you, I don't know how aware you are of this, but the Reach is posing a major danger to the League. We need someone like you to tell us what's going to happen so we can save Earth from the Reach." You sighed, knowing that she wasn't going to let this go.

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