Rex x reader- Happy Anniversary

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This was requested by Masterofchange, I hope you like it, I apologize for the many timeskips in the beginning

You sat on your usual perch in the EVO zoo, working on a little gadget, it wasn't much but it would definitely help you in a fight, especially if your EVO opponent was very good at fighting far range and you couldn't get to close. You also loved machines. You could touch them with your bare hands and their skin wouldn't turn black, they wouldn't scream in pain. At one point you were by yourself on the streets, only having machines that you created to keep you company. But that wasn't until you met Rex Salazar, at first it was just little encounters here and there, then it turns out he would sneak out of Providence just to see you. He didn't urge you to join, instead he was just there to keep you company. He was the first one who made you laugh in a long, long time with his cheesy jokes. After a few months where he would visit you all night before sneaking back in at midnight, he asked you out. You were surprised, you were incapable of touching him without hurting him, he reassured you it didn't matter to him. He claimed you were the one who made him happy, and as long as you loved each other it didn't matter. After a few dates you decided to join Providence, knowing machines better than anyone else. Now here you were, working on a gadget in an EVO tree. It was now almost a year since you started dating.

"(Y/N)!!" Speak of the devil it was your boyfriend waving his arms with a dopey grin on his face. "Hey Rex, what's up!" You smiled and jumped down, he caught you and spun you around a bit before letting your feet touch the ground.

"Haha, very funny" he rolls his eyes jokingly, his smile still on his face.

"C'mon, you know that was funny"
"Puns are the cheapest form of humor and you know it"
"Nu-uh, so why'd you call me down from my perch?"
"Because it's lunchtime. I thought my girlfriend would enjoy some nutrition" he answers.

"Yes, very much" you pulled on the flight-attendant like scarf on your neck and put it over your mouth, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He returned it with a kiss on the head, using your hair to avoid direct skin contact.


You rested your feet in Rex's lap as you played on your phone, the both of you were bored out of your minds.

"What if we went on a walk in the park?" Rex asks.

"Nah, it's too hot out"
"Beach day?"
"I would kill everyone"
"Oooh, right, then how about..." Rex's phone beeped and he checked it. "This is perfect!"
"What is it?" You ask.

"Noah wants to double date for A Quiet Place"
"When's the movie?"
"About an hour, but we should get there earlier so that way we can actually get seats" Rex answers.
"Cool, I'll go get my coat" you answer, getting up and heading for your room.


Rex waited at the front of Providence for you, when you came out he kissed the top of your head.
"You look great" he smiles down at you before turning the lower half of his body into a motorcycle.
"You gonna hop on your what?" Rex asks you.
"Hell yeah!" You got on behind him, you've ridden with Rex before. It was one of your favorite things to do, especially in the evening, so even though it was in the afternoon it was still as amazing. You wrapped your arms around Rex's torso as he sped through the city. When you first rode with him you thought he was going to crash and kill you both, but over time you learned that you were safe. You got to the theater to see Noah and Claire waiting at the front. Rex made sure you got off safely before transforming back. Noah and Rex immediately greeted each other as best friends do.

"It's great to see you again (Y/N)" Claire held out her hand for you to shake.

"'s your relationship?"
"Never better" you smile.

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