Brought to you by some dormant procrastination, hope y'all enjoy
"Hey, how ya doin'
oh I'm doin' just fine
I lied I'm lost outside" you sing dejectedly as you looked around hoping for someone to show up.
"Go for a walk in the park (Y/N)
You'll get plenty of inspiration outside (Y/N)Who knows maybe you'll make a friend (Y/N) and where did I end up? Lost with no sign of civili- ok where in the hell am I?" You ask finding yourself on a street from literally nowhere. This so did not look like New York, like it did but if some abstract painting of New York with a touch of medievality. The people walked around you, only sparing you glances, like people do. You looked around as you walked down the street, desperately hoping there was a map store or maybe a tourist booth to ask where you were. Your best guess was you were in Jersey, but since when did Jersey have so many trees? The deeper you went into town the more people stared at you for longer, yeah sure, I'm the weird one. Says the people wearing stupid headbands, tracksuits and those flack vests. Those shoes are pretty weird too.
"You there, stop and state your business" a bunch of people wearing Studio Ghibli masks and katanas surrounded you. Oh god, are these weebs? Did I accidentally step into some kind of convention thing? I haven't been to one of these in forever...
"My business? What is this? The frickin' Dark Ages? Look, I've had a long day today, I just need to figure out where I am and-"
"I'm sorry but we can't allow you to do that. If you'll please come with us" the politeness was merely a facade as a guy gripped your arm rather tightly. You sighed, having a feeling this was going to be an even longer day, and all you wanted to do was stay in your comfy room and draw. But no, your parents just had to kick you outside for some time to take pictures and 'make some new friends'.-Timeskip-
The clock ticked on the wall as you sat nervously in some kind of office, one of the guys that found you was staring at you as you looked around boredly at the office before staring at the guy.
"Soo...what exactly did I do?"
No response.
"I'm in trouble aren't I?"
No response.
"Is there some kind of two-way mirror I don't see? Before you put me in prison for whatever I didn't do I should know what you're accusing me of."
No response."Don't I get a phonecall or somethin'?"
"Be patient, you'll get your due. In the meantime I suggest you be respectful and keep your mouth shut." The guy spoke finally, even though he wore a cutsie mask you still found him slightly intimidating, you 'tched' and turned your head to look outside."Fine"
"So you're the one who has the Anbu Black Op's swords' in a twist, how interesting" an old man in a robe and weird hat came in, two of the guys behind him. He took a seat at the front of the office the two guys standing on either sides of you.
"But I can see why, you're chakra is alarmingly unusual"
"My Chalk-what now?"
"Your chakra"
"And that is?" He seemed surprised for a moment at your lack of knowledge of this chalk stuff."The energy that flows through us of course, have you not heard of this?"
"So it's like the force from Star Wars?"
"And that is?"
"The energy that flows and connects through everything and everyone"
"Not quite..."
"Ah, so it's like a sorta-force" you could tell he wanted to desperately facepalm."Yes...sure....anyway, what are you doing here?"
"I have absolutely no idea where I am or what I'm doing here"
"What?""Yeah I got lost at New York Central Park and I somehow ended up wherever in the hell this is."
"Interesting, did you experience anything weird on the way here"
"No, well I mean there were these stones in a weird formation and I ended up lost"
"Strange, so you're from another world then?"
"You have no concept of chakra as if you have never heard of it and this New York place is foreign to me. It also explains the strange chakra you possess. Whatever reason you were brought here, you're here now so we might as well make the best of it. Nobody besides us and my most trusted Shinobi will know about your true situation. Other Rogue Shinobi may try to pursue you to unlock the secret of your strange chakra and use it to cause chaos among our world. You will train with the other Genin and blend in, the more you learn how to utilize and control your chakra the easier you'll be able to defend yourself against oncoming threats."
"Yeah threats that we don't even know exist" you mumble.

One shots (1) (Completed)
FanfictionThis book is completed but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read, here's a list of what I have: Oneshots Preferences Headcanons I also have a few oneshots with this: Boy x boy Girl x girl If you don't like them when you see them don't read em' I...