Runaan x Reader- Little Mermaid AU

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 Requested by Yuuki217, who also drew up this amazing fanart for the oneshot! Look at it once, look at it again, look at it three times, because it's frickin' awesome!

You peeked over the mast of another downed ship you searched a few days prior.

"(Y/N)! Wait up!"
"Ezrin! Get over here!"
"Sorry, but you know I can't swim that fast" Ezrin sighs after finally swimming over to you, his body glowing slightly yellow from fatigue.

"There it is, isn't it fanflippin' tastic?!" You question in excitement.

"Y...yeah, sure it's great, now let's get out of here" Ezrin went to swim away but you easily got his tail fin.
"Come on, you aren't getting cold fins now? Are you?"

"Me? No way! It's just looks damp in there, yeah. And I think I may be coming down with something, yeah I got this cough" Ezrin pretended to cough as you looked at him before shrugging.

"Alright, I'm going inside, you can just stay here and watch for sharks" you smirk before swimming inside the hole.
"Yeah, you go I'll stay here and- wait! (Y/N)! Wait up! (Y/N)! I can't- (Y/N), help!" You rolled your eyes and giggled.
"Maybe we should stop raiding the kitchen for those jelly tarts" you giggle.

"(Y/N), do you really think there might be sharks around here?" Ezrin whispers while looking around, now glowing a little white from fear.

"Ezrin don't be such a guppy"
"...I'm not a guppy..." you began swimming through the wrecked ship, marveling at everything around you as Ezrin began rambling.

"Ahhhh! (Y/N)!" Ezrin swam directly for you and you caught him.
"Aww, are you ok?" You ask, seeing if he got any injuries.
"Yeah sure, no problem, I'm ok"
"Sssh" you swam up before seeing something.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, have you ever seen anything so wonderful in your entire life?" You grin in wonder as you grabbed the item before starting to inspect it.

"Wow, cool! But uh, what is it?"
"Well...I don't know! But I bet Gren will!"
"W...what was that? Did you hear something?"
"Hmm, I wonder what this is" you picked up some kind of twisty wooden thing before putting it into your bag.

"(Y/N)..." Ezrin whines.

"Ezrin will you relax? Nothing's going to happen" you heard a shatter before Ezrin began screaming, you looked and saw a shark, Ezrin swam to you and you swam as fast as your tail would allow you.

"Gren!" You called to the seagull.
"Whoa! Hey! Human off the port bow!" He removed the thing off his face.

"Whoa, what a swim. So what brings you here today Princess?" He asks, leaning on his human item.

"Look what we found in a shipwreck! Do you think you can identify them?"
"Do you think I can identify them? Of course I can princess! Now let's see what you've got here" Gren began sifting through your bag.

"So what is that stuff? Can you tell us?" Ezrin asks, you nodded along excitedly as he pulled out the first item you found.
"Hmm...could it be...? Is it possible...?" He questions himself as he began inspecting it.
"What? What is it?"

"It's a dinglehopper, elves use these things to straighten their hair out. That's what these ends are for, to help detangle their hair. You know how long their hair can get, especially when there's wind or something, yikes!"
" does it work?" Erzin asks.
"Well I'll show you my little fishie friend, you don't mind if I demonstrate do you Princess? As amazing as my feathers are dinglehoppers were not made for feathers."
"Not at all" you answer, he took some of your hair into his wing and demonstrated, putting the dinglehopper into your hair before pulling it through with little to no difficulty.

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