Thunder x Out of Control! Reader part 1- Maybe

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This was requested by Kumori of Quotev, yes I have this story on Quotev too. Your also in the Brazilian Jungle in this one shot.

You woke up to the chatter of the birds in the canopy above. A drop of rainwater touched the tip of your nose. It felt refreshing, but then it slowly sizzled into vapor. You sighed before getting up from under the tree. Your skin radiated a slight heat, it wasn't enough to burn anyone, but it was enough to be noticed. You hugged yourself as you wandered blindly through the forest. You didn't know where you were and you didn't care. Just as long as you stayed away from people, you were fine. Occasionally, the local people would try to hunt you. You knew they thought you were a demon, you would try to turn yourself in on several occasions, but you always lost control. You lived in fear, not of others. Not of the wild animals. Of yourself, you knew you were a danger. A weapon, despite the locals wanting to hunt you there were bad guys who wanted to use you. You sat by a river and dipped your hand in it.

"Please" you begged. Tears flowed down your cheeks " me off...let me be normal." You heard a branch snap and looked up, your eyes were like a deer in headlights.

"W-who's there?" You call.

"Ssshh! This is supposed to be recon!" A voice badly whispers.
"Your just making it worse Green one!" Another voice says in an equally bad whisper.

"Oh shut up you two" a slightly better whisper says.

"Well since we're found out we might as well show ourselves" a voice sighs. Six people around your age stepped out behind the trees. The yellow one and green one were glaring at each other. (I always imagined Lightning and Beast Boy having a playful rivalry, not an intense serious one) You would have laughed at their ridiculous outfits, if you were normal that is. They were too close, you could already feel control slipping from your powers.

"P-please...stay away" you say. Holding a hand out and taking a step back.

"Hey, we're not here to hurt you" the kid with a cape coaxes. (Robin) "We're here to help."
"Stay away!" You order more forcefully, taking a step back while he took a step backward.

"Easy, we aren't here to hurt you so just calm down" the robot man says (Cyborg). Your control was slipping, you could feel it.

"How about we can-" the orange-skinned lady got cut off as you fell to your knees, hands clutching your head.

"G-get...b-back" then the ground shook, spikes shot out, the ground gave out. You took it as an opportunity to run, you continued to run until you felt like you lost them. Little did you know how wrong you were.

"Uh hi" it was a guy around your age dressed as an ancient samurai. You tried to climb a tree, but he grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and held you up like it was nothing.(I'm pretty sure Thunder has super strength, I have no clue so I'm just gonna take a wild guess and say he does)

"Hey! Put me down!" You argue.

"No, why did you try to hurt my friends?" He asks, giving you an intense look.

"So what are you going to do? Throw me in jail? Maximum security?" You ask, he still gave you that same look.

"It's not like I meant to, I just lost control...ok?" You ask, hoping that was enough for him.

"Lost...control?" He asks, very confusedly.

" powers...I can't control them...the village was right to call me a demon. I lash out sometimes when I don't mean to...and I'm scared" you admit. You didn't know why, but you felt like you had to confide in this person. He was probably the first person you've talked to since you accidentally burned down your hometown.

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