Laxus' ending

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This is Laxus' ending for the previous one shot, hope you guys enjoy!

"I chose Laxus" you answer to your friends. Bickslow slumped.
"Yeah, I didn't stand a chance, but if you break her heart your soul may end up in a dunce hat for eternity" Bickslow threatens, Laxus nods.

"Why Laxus? Don't you guys hate each other?" Lucy asks.
"It isn't really a hate, more like playful banter, I kind of hope he doesn't hate me. He may seem all tough and mean but he does have a soft side, even if he doesn't show it often. Even if he doesn't like me back I would at least like to get to know him more. Eh, does that make any sense?" You ask, the girls nodded.
"That's so cute, I can easily see you two becoming a couple!" Wendy grins, you laughed.


You enter the hotel room.

"Hey Laxus" you greet.
"We're taking a walk" Laxus grabbed your arm and dragged you outside.
"Hey! Can you let go? Your grip is like frickin' Spider-man!" He lets go of your arm. "So why did you drag me out of the hotel room?" You ask him, now that you didn't have to worry about his death grip your curiosity has been peaked.

"Tch, no reason..." Laxus turned his head away from you.

"Dude, when you do that there's obviously a reason. Now come on spill, do you need girl advice or somethin'. Tell meeeee" you grabbed his arm and held on.
"The hell-! Get off, and I don't need any girl advice" Laxus shook you off.

"Then why did you bring me out here? You know how much I like my sleep"
"Because...I um..." the volleyball came from out of the air and hit him in the back of the head, sending him flying into the sand.
"Holy crap Laxus! Are you ok? I'm only going to laugh about this if your ok" you went over to him.

"That is not helping my confidence right now" Laxus grumbles, rubbing the back of his head. You laughed.
"I can't believe you didn't see that! Aren't you supposed to be a dragonslayer, can't you hear crap like that? Oh my god, you are never going to live this down my dude!" You laughed.

"I could've died"
"Dude, we both know that ain't happenin' anytime soon, your like a frickin' S-class wizard. I highly doubt death by volleyball, or any normal way to die for that matter. Here lemme help you up."
"You sure have a lot of confidence in me" Laxus states as you pulled him up.
"It isn't confidence, it's facts. I've seen you in action Laxus and your frickin' awesome!"
"Yeah....thanks..." Laxus trails off.
"Laxus? Is there something wrong? Is that why you brought me out here? To talk, because I totally won't make fun of you if you need to get something off your chest." In reality it was the fact that you were still holding his hand. Laxus tried to look at anywhere but you.
"Damn...why does this gotta be so hard?" Laxus mutters, "screw it, I'm going for it." Before you could even ask what he was talking about he pulled you closer towards him. Because you weren't expecting it, you put a hand on his chest to steady yourself. You didn't even get to look up at Laxus, because he unexpectedly and suddenly put his lips on yours. One of his hands rested on your waist as the other went to the back of your neck. You had one hand on his neck and the other was playing with his blonde hair. It was deep and meaningful. You pulled away first, your eyes fluttering open.
"Laxus...I didn't uh, you felt that way"
"Guess your happy Mira put us in the same room now huh?" Laxus asks.
"Now slow your roll buster, you better only be thinking about snuggling" you told him.

"Whatever you want"


You and Laxus had a fight, it's been several months since you first got together so you were just sitting upstairs and you were listening to sad music for your sad self. Because your music was so loud you didn't hear your boyfriend walk up the stairs and see you curled up on your chair. Laxus touched your shoulder.
"Hey, (Y/N)..." you looked up and turned away, hugging yourself tighter.

"Leave me alone" you whimpered.

"No, because I'm your boyfriend, and I'm supposed to comfort you when your like this." Laxus told you.

"I told you to leave me alone"
"No, I never want you to be alone again." He told you in all seriousness, picking you up and cuddling with you. You were actually glad that Laxus stayed to cuddle with you, it showed you just how much he cared about you. Even though he may seem cold and inconsiderate he totally was the opposite when it came to you. You cried into his shirt as he held onto you. Even if you weren't happy right now, you were touched at Laxus' dedication to keep you happy and smiling.

"I'm so sorry, I was just so stressed lately, I'm sorry I took it out on you like that. Could you forgive me?" Laxus asks you.

"I don't wanna answer that right now" you buried yourself deeper into Laxus' embrace. Laxus hugged you tighter. You guys still had little scuffles here and there but you still loved him and you two always made up in the end.

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