Fairy Tail Boys Preference

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When Your Sick-

I'm sick rn, so...here you go kiddies!


He wants to take care of you but doesn't know how. This is when his ability of just being able to cook pasta and broth comes in handy. He would try to get you to stomach pasta but if you weren't able to he would put it off to the side and get you some ginger ale and crackers. When and if you throw up he'll be there in an instant and hold your hair back and make sure you get it all out. Though what he lacks in cooking skills he makes up for in punctuality. He will make sure you take your meds on the dot. 'Cause your all feverish and not thinking straight you try to get him to cuddle with you. He tries to hold out as long as he can but in the end he'll give in to your puppy eyes and will snuggle with you until you fall asleep.

Rogue already knows what to do when you get sick, since Frosch has often gotten sick in the past. He has all the medicine you'll ever need and knows the exact dosage you'll need and at what time by heart. He also has an array of different broths ranging from the average chicken broth to vegetable broth and above and beyond even that. He knows the most important thing to remember when your sick is you have to have some form of nutrients and plenty of liquids. If you can't digest pasta he'll just let you drink the broth, slowly though. He doesn't want you to upset your stomach too much. He'll constantly check your temperature and make sure you're as comfortable as possible. He won't leave your side for a second and have Frosch stay with Lector at Sting's so Frosch wouldn't get infected with whatever you had. He'll agree to your snuggles, but he would prefer to keep skin on skin contact to a minimum, promising to make up for the lost affection when you get better.


Dude will freak out over every single sneeze and little cough you make. He will baby you to the point where you aren't allowed to walk and you'll either be in two places, on the couch with a box of tissues and snuggled in blanket burrito. The other place would be your shared bedroom, where as on the couch, you would have a box of tissues, but a glass of water as well. The only thing Sting did more than make sure you didn't walk, was call Rogue to make sure you weren't gonna die 'cause of Swine Flu or something. Rogue, being tired of being called for the 30 millionth time that day would give Sting clear and concise directions on when you should take certain meds, how much and the other bajillion questions he had. (Most of them were for if you had made up diseases on MagicMD.org.) You felt bad for being a burden and keeping Sting from his guild duties and responsibilities. Though if you even tried to get up his dragon senses would tingle and he would break down the door and sit on you to make sure you weren't about to get out of bed on his watch. You would eventually fall asleep but Sting would think you were trying to fake it (which you tried sometimes) so he would sit there until he began dozing off himself and he would end up starfishing right on top of you.

Loke/ Leo:
He would try to keep a level head while helping you get better but in the end he's just another Sting. If he so much as hears you cough or sneeze he'll be there with a whole bottle of cough syrup and a box of tissues with numerous other health products, either from Earthland or from the Celestial Spirit World. Eventually he would convince Virgo and Capricorn that you were super sick even though it was a common cold. Virgo would try to clean up the house and do the dishes while Capricorn helps Loki figure out the correct dosage you need and how long it'll take before you need another, as well as what you have specifically. They would usually narrow it down to three different sicknesses. One would be totally made up, the other would be highly unlikely and the third was usually what you had 90% of the time. Capricorn would be the one to bring the list to Porlyusica, who would be absolutely impressed and insulted at the same time 'cause the answer was so obvious. But it's celestial spirits so what can you do? Porlyusica would give Capricorn the right answer and kick him out. Capricorn would relay the information back to Loki before having to go back to the spirit realm. Loki would be the flirty kind of caretaker (as always). Like for example, you think the medicine you have to take is gross so when Loki knows he wouldn't be able to get you to drink it he would drink it himself and french kiss you, making you swallow that nasty liquid. You would be blushing from both the intensity and from almost getting the liquid in your lungs. Since celestial spirits don't get sick this happens very often. So expect lots of kisses and cuddles from this celestial spirit.

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