Gen Rex Boys Preference

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When you tell them you're pregnant

Requested by Wingstar


Once you told him the big news his jaw would drop and he wouldn't say anything for like, two minutes while staring at you with wide eyes. You would look at the ground and twiddle your fingers nervously.
"I...I'm going to be a father...?" you nodded shyly. His face would break out into a huge grin and he would scoop you up and twirl you in the air before giving you a passionate kiss on the lips. During the pregnancy he would get insecure about his child-raising abilities since he barely remembers how his Dad raised him, but you would reassure him that he would be a great Dad. When he would hear you throw up 'cause of morning sickness he would hold your hair back and rub gentle circles on your back to ease the pain. This boi get super protective of you when your baby bump would start to show and shower you with kisses when the hormones began to kick in. He would also be willing to go to the store at three in the morning on his own to get what you needed for cravings. When he first saw your child through the ultrasound tears pricked his eyes 'cause he truly realized there was life growing inside you and he would be super proud of you for enduring through pregnancy. Tho when your baby kicks he acts like a kid himself and would feel your tummy to try to see if the baby'll kick again. When he goes on missions he'll kiss your lips and your rounded stomach, reassuring your child that he'll return safe and sound. His favorite thing to do is read your unborn child children's books, especially spanish ones.

"Rex, can't you read a regular story tonight, even I barely understand what you're reading"

"Sorry hermosa, but Ace'll need to know his papa's language isn't that right Ace?" You never officially agreed on that name and had a whole list of them for boys and girls, 'cause you wanted to be surprised. Though when the day did come Rex stayed by your bedside and held your hand as you pushed your baby into the world. You were close to breaking his hand until you heard the first cries of your newborn. It was a boy and the doctors swaddled him up in a blanket as you watched carefully even though you were exhausted and in pain. Rex reassured you and told you that you were amazing. After they swaddled him up they taught you how to hold him and you held the baby boy in your arms and comforted him as Rex watched your new kid with amazement.
"Do you want to hold him?" You ask Rex, who only nodded. He held your son and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"I love you mijo, and I swear I will be the best father in the world to you"


When you told him you were pregnant his reaction was very similar to Rex's. He was both happy and stressed at the same time. Dude will start signing your baby up for pre-k schools in the area and set aside an account to put money in for college. During your pregnancy he follows everything by the book and makes sure you do exactly what the books said. He stocks a ton of food for when you get your cravings. He can get a little annoying with nitpicking when shopping for baby supplies, but you know it's because he cares so much. When he first saw your child for the first time he couldn't help but smile and squeeze your hand as you did the same thing. When your baby kicks he freaks out and gets super excited. He tried to get your child to listen to trigonometery and pre calc instruction videos with one of those things you can use to talk to your child. You didn't let him, saying you should let your child be their own them, and they had Noah to teach them everything they needed. Due to Noah's rigorous amount or research the baby hormones would make you feel like he was neglecting you. You would try to get him to cuddle with you. Even tho it was late in your pregnancy and it wasn't advised, Noah would sigh and cuddle with you once in awhile, minding your round tummy. You had a whole list of names, and like Rex you wanted it to be a surprise. When your water broke, Noah freaked out and rushed you to the hospital, asking how you were doing every five seconds and paying more attention to you than the road. When you finally got in there he would stay in there with you and you both were squeezing each other's hands as hard as you could. The strain was obvious on your face. When the baby finally did pop out the doctor had to do measurements which gave you a break and you were all but sleeping.
"Did I...did I do alright?" You would ask him tiredly, he would nod his head and kiss your forehead, telling you how proud he was of you. When the doctor came back with the baby they taught you how to hold her properly and Noah reached out his hand, the baby would grab one of his fingers and Noah would laugh happily, the baby doing the same.

"Hello little (D/N). it's me your father, and I can't wait to raise you"

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