Naruto Boys Preference

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Requested by Elizabeth Travis, hope you enjoy

On-mission injury


You: Small injury or large, Naruto will protect you with everything he's got and insists that you need to rest and not fight. Though if it's small you'll argue with him but when you see the look in his eye you stop, but you'll totally yell at him for making you out to be weak later on. Afterwards if it's a small injury he'll try to treat it himself but he'll use way too many bandages and you basically got a bonus layer of armor. If it's large not only is he more likely to go part nine-tailed fox but he'll also carry you away to safety as fast as possible as he keeps you awake by talking to you. He refuses to leave the hospital even when visiting hours are over and he'll fight tooth and claw to stay at your bedside. If it's not too too serious Kakashi will probably convince the staff to let Naruto stay, but if you need rest he'll try to reason with Naruto and if that doesn't work then he'll just use his sharingan to knock him out and leave totally nonchalantly. He gets so excited when you wake up, first you lecture him on being and idiot but he just goes 'I'm sorry for worrying about you so much (Y/N), but you're really precious to me and I don't want to lose you. I don't want to be alone again.' He also brings you nothing but microwaveable ramen during your hospital stay. He also tries to give you cuddles but if you can't because of your injury he'll ask everyday if you're well enough for cuddles until you say yes or tell him you are randomly. Naruto prefers giving you kisses but knows that you like cuddles, especially when you're hurt/sick.

Him: If it's a small injury he insists he's fine and it heals in less than a day. If he's really injured he'll insist that he's fine but you know he isn't and will try to protect him, though if he gets annoying about trying to get up and fight you'll knock him out before defeating the rest of the enemy and carrying him back to the hospital. You wait worriedly and try to do little things around his hospital room to make it more homey for him. Though you get tired and usually fall asleep by his bedside, sometimes the nurses wake you up because visiting hours are over but the more you visit the hospital the less likely they are to wake you from the sheer amount of times you're in the hospital. When Naruto wakes up he wakes up loud, shouting whatever thing he was going to say in battle while startling you. He's glad you're safe and tries to get out of bed as soon as possible but you literally have to use clones to keep him on the bed until the doctor can look at him and clear him. All he does is complain about being stuck in a bed, but makes sure to add that it's not completely sucky 'cause your with him. Tho you both will get a lot of kisses from each other when Naruto is stuck in the hospital.


You: If it's small Sasuke checks on your injury to make sure it's not too damaging, but he's confident in your fighting ability. After he'll treat the wound properly, he'll most likely call you an idiot or say something about training but if you're obviously upset from getting hurt he won't say anything but still give you the usual kiss on the forehead and will either say 'I love you' or 'it's not your fault'. If it's a large injury he'll try to protect you, though if it's really bad and you fainted or are barely clinging onto consciousness he'll loose it on his opponent and there's a large chance the curse mark will do it's thing and take him over. After he defeated the guy he gets super protective of you if there are any more opponents. As soon as they're all defeated he'll try to treat you as much as possible before getting you to the nearest healers hut or hospital. He'll wait for you to wake up and reassure you that nothing that happened was your fault in the slightest, though he will suggest that you guys get in some training. Sasuke will give you small kisses here and there when you're alone in the hospital but won't give you cuddles until your 100% again, instead you hand-hug and talk. It's definite that Sasuke has a major soft spot for you, especially when you get hurt/sick.

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