Harry's Ending

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"Harry! Hi! Take a seat!" You insist patting the park bench next to you.

"Oh, ok. So why did you want to talk to me, your text was pretty vague"

"Yeah, sorry about that" you apologize.

"Whatever your going to tell me it's going to be nerve-wracking for you isn't it?" Harry asks you as he leaned back and watched the going ons of the park.

"What? How did you-?"

"You always go to the park when your stressed, you brought me to the park quite a bit when we were at Horizon" Harry laughs a little at the end before a small frown formed on his face.

"I miss those days, I miss them a lot"

"Me too, but...just because we're at different schools...doesn't mean we can't hang out" you look at him hopefully.

"Yeah, I guess your right" Harry smiles, you both looked back at the activities of the park.

"Harry...I um...I just...well I wanted to say that I choose you Harry."

"You do?"

"Mhmm, I do. You were my first friend at Horizon and it was just so easy for us to talk and hangout together...we might've started out being friends but I want to be more then friends with you. If you still feel the same about me."

"(Y/N), of course I do! Nothing will ever change that, not being 'you know who', not your scar, hell not even my Father could stop me from being with you. You're so much more than that, and your so much more to me." Harry smiles, his hands rested on your arms before cradling the sides of your face gently as he ingrained your facial expression atthis current moment into his mind. Your grin was so wide it made you start laughing a little as your nose crinkled the slightest as your big (E/C) eyes closed for a brief moment before sparkling again. You both were so incredibly happy in that one moment that you couldn't help but stare at each other, break into grins, laugh a little, smile and do the whole thing over again. Harry just couldn't believe that he was yours now and you were his. After months of being smitten, timidness, hesitation, day-dreaming, crushed ideas and ripped letters, he was finally with you. He was the only one who could hug you, who could send you little cute good morning text messages, who could help you get your beautiful smile back when you were down, who could hold your hand in public, who could wrap his arms around you in a hug and make you feel safe and secure, who could whisper sweet nothings in your ear when you were upset, who could bring you flowers to make you happy. Not to mention the fact that him and only him, could kiss your lips. Speaking of which, now your faces were really close. Harry leaned in just a little.

"I know we just started dating like, almost a minute ago, but may I?" He questions.

"Yes" you whisper as Harry dived in for a tender, blissful kiss. It was the first of many, you were sure of it.

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