Lightning x Teen Titan! Reader- I promise I'll protect you

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This was requested by Kumori  , for some reason I like having Beast Boy challenging you to videogames at the beginning of my Teen Titans one shots. Idk.

"Hey (N/N) I challenge you to a rematch! I've been training all day yesterday and I know for sure I can beat you!" Beast Boy shouts at you while you were watching t.v with Star and Raven.

"Can it, the story's starting to get good" Raven tells him.

"Aww come on, can't you pause it or something, I mean it's a stupid chick flick!" Beast boy complains.

"Beast Boy, this movie is the My Little Mermaid. Is that a chick flick?" Star asks while petting Silky. Raven and you shake your heads.

"Beast Boy doesn't know the meaning of chick flick. It's a Disney classic and my childhood" you reply.

"Later" you dismiss as you watch the movie. He lets out a heavy sigh before walking away with a controller in hand.

"Don't you think you were a little harsh on him (N/N)?" Cyborg asks, sitting down with popcorn. You, Star and Raven give him a look with a raised eyebrow.

"What, it's a classic!" He argues with a mouth full of popcorn. You shrug your shoulders and go back to watching the movie. After the movie was over you went over to the kitchen to grab some video game snacks.

"Hey Birdie, Lightning" you greet your leader and fellow Titan as you get some soda and chips.

"My name is not Birdie! It is Robin" he corrects.

"A Robin is a bird, so imma call you Birdie. Bye you two" you exit the kitchen and get the snacks together.

"Alright Beast Boy, come on, let's see what you got!" You call, Beast Boy literally turned into a cheetah and ran into the living room with a controller in his mouth.

"You guys gonna watch?" You ask your two bffs, and Cyborg.

"Of course, I always love to watch your little competitions" Starfire replies.

"Sure, I have nothing better to do" Raven shrugs.

"Duh! But I'm gonna cheer for B.B (I believe that's Cyborg's nickname for Beast Boy, correct me if I'm wrong.)"
"Alright, but your on the losing side" you reply.

"Aww come on at least give the little guy some hope" Robin says, sitting down next to Star. Ship it you thought to yourself.

"Neva! Prepare to lose Greenie!"
"Yeah right! I'm going to win this for sure!"
"Go on Green One, I believe in your power" Thunder says. We continued to play, you went into wacky positions just so you could do a certain combo. At first it seemed like Beast Boy would win, but then you pulled off a difficult combo. Making Beast Boy lose.

"Yeaah! I won again!" You cheer.

"Can we share the high-five?" Star asks, holding up her hand, you high-five it.

"Nice" Raven comments, you noticed Lightning standing in a corner.

"Hey Lightning! You want in on the next round?" You ask as you walk over to him.

"Me? Please, I have better things to do" he walks down the hall. You were completely confused as to why he acted like that. Usually he would be happy to play video games.

"That's weird, Lightning usually likes playing video games" Cyborg comments.

"Yea..." you trail off.

"I will talk to brother, I'm sure it is nothing to significant" Thunder reassures you, following after his brother. You went the other direction.

"Hey (Y/N) where you going? Wanna do a tiebreaker?" Beast Boy asks.

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