Requested by Wingstar
-You met because you were a dumbass recruit who saw him sneak out
-That is literally what happened, no joke
-Then you were whisked away into a galaxy-saving adventure
-You're like, the only person with a voice of reason
-Not like Shiro tho
-You just point out the craziness that goes on and how LITERALLY NO ONE ELSE IS FREAKING OUT
-You also vocalize how this crazy stuff would not be happening back on earth
-The reason you're even friends with Lance in the first place is because he's one of the few to shout 'I KNOW RIGHT?!'
-You guys also bond about missing home
-Make your own memes in space
-Also vines
-You guys also have selfie competitions that are kinda more dangerous than the selfie game in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
-You always win the selfie competitions
-Tho you've had to go into a healing pod several times
-So did Lance tbh
-Allura's so confused like??? Why would you risk yourselves like this??? Just for a photograph???
-Eventually Shiro's 'Space Dadtm' instincts kick in and he's like, 'yeah, no, no more risky selfies'
-It seems like he has a spidey sense for this too because he catches you guys always when your planning one
-So you gotta figure out something else you can do together to replace selfies
-Pidge somehow had the board game of Monopoly in her bag
-You guys all make the mistake of playing it together
-In the end, Keith looks like he's ready to stab a bitch (prolly you since you're winning)
-Coran is weeping in the corner because he went bankrupt early on
-Allura is barely hanging on by a thread and you could see it in her face
-Hunk is begging Pidge to avenge him
-Shiro is trying to hold back Keith and come up with a strategy to defeat you and your empire
-And Lance is like '(Y/N)! I thought we were friends!'
-You're just sittin' there smirking and you reply with 'Not in monopoly we aren't'
-Lance is bankrupt so he can't do anything to you
-He's determined to beat you in Monopoly so he challenges you to it all the time
-Literally you can spend days cooped up in either your room or his room playing
-He looses every time
-Still challenges you tho
-As soon as everyone knows you're playing Monopoly they make sure to stay far away
-Pretty much everyone has Monopoly PTSD
-Especially Coran
-Almost always Coran
-You like to call him: Amigo Numero Uno, Buster, Crybaby, Doofus and Einstein (sarcastically)
-He likes to call you: Amiga Numero Uno, Ace, Heartless (only when your playing monopoly and a few days later when he's still bitter about it), Ninja and Short Stuff (even tho you're an inch shorter than him)

One shots (1) (Completed)
FanfictionThis book is completed but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read, here's a list of what I have: Oneshots Preferences Headcanons I also have a few oneshots with this: Boy x boy Girl x girl If you don't like them when you see them don't read em' I...