Lance Headcanons

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Requested by Wingstar

-You met because you were a dumbass recruit who saw him sneak out

-That is literally what happened, no joke

-Then you were whisked away into a galaxy-saving adventure

-You're like, the only person with a voice of reason

-Not like Shiro tho

-You just point out the craziness that goes on and how LITERALLY NO ONE ELSE IS FREAKING OUT

-You also vocalize how this crazy stuff would not be happening back on earth

-The reason you're even friends with Lance in the first place is because he's one of the few to shout 'I KNOW RIGHT?!'

-You guys also bond about missing home

-Make your own memes in space

-Also vines

-You guys also have selfie competitions that are kinda more dangerous than the selfie game in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

-You always win the selfie competitions

-Tho you've had to go into a healing pod several times

-So did Lance tbh

-Allura's so confused like??? Why would you risk yourselves like this??? Just for a photograph???

-Eventually Shiro's 'Space Dadtm' instincts kick in and he's like, 'yeah, no, no more risky selfies'

-It seems like he has a spidey sense for this too because he catches you guys always when your planning one

-So you gotta figure out something else you can do together to replace selfies

-Pidge somehow had the board game of Monopoly in her bag

-You guys all make the mistake of playing it together

-In the end, Keith looks like he's ready to stab a bitch (prolly you since you're winning)

-Coran is weeping in the corner because he went bankrupt early on

-Allura is barely hanging on by a thread and you could see it in her face

-Hunk is begging Pidge to avenge him

-Shiro is trying to hold back Keith and come up with a strategy to defeat you and your empire

-And Lance is like '(Y/N)! I thought we were friends!'

-You're just sittin' there smirking and you reply with 'Not in monopoly we aren't'

-Lance is bankrupt so he can't do anything to you

-He's determined to beat you in Monopoly so he challenges you to it all the time

-Literally you can spend days cooped up in either your room or his room playing

-He looses every time

-Still challenges you tho

-As soon as everyone knows you're playing Monopoly they make sure to stay far away

-Pretty much everyone has Monopoly PTSD

-Especially Coran

-Almost always Coran

-You like to call him: Amigo Numero Uno, Buster, Crybaby, Doofus and Einstein (sarcastically)

-He likes to call you: Amiga Numero Uno, Ace, Heartless (only when your playing monopoly and a few days later when he's still bitter about it), Ninja and Short Stuff (even tho you're an inch shorter than him)

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