The Ceremony

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TJ Perkins. The face of WWE's Cruiserweight division. He has been wrestling since he was just thirteen, and not to mention we have a lot in common. We both love dogs, video games, peaceful weekends, and wrestling! The girls in the locker room swooned over him. Funny. They complain how when they have time to be with their men, they're more interested in video games but when it comes to TJ, they don't mind. To be perfectly honest, I wasn't overly bothered about men and relationships; I just wanted to be the best wrestler in the WWE. Truth be told, my last relationship wasn't very healthy. My ex wouldn't be someone you'd call 'Boyfriend material.' Fortunately, due to the brand split, I don't have to see him anymore, as he is Baron Corbin. We dated for two and a half years after we met during a intergender tag match in NXT and I thought he was the one but after attending a funeral for my grandmother, I caught him in my bed, in my apartment with another girl. Well two other girls. Tonight, was the first night I'd have to see him since the messy breakup. Brian was his best friend so sitting next to him was going to be uncomfortable.

The ceremony began with a speech from Vince McMahon and we all sat. TJ and I smiled at one another from time to time whereas Kendrick couldn't take his eyes off me. Then it came to the Ultimate Warrior Award. Moments like these always made me emotional. This year, Drax Shadow, or as everyone knows him Elijah Mainville was inducted after he lost his battle with cancer. Moments like these remind me why the WWE is so important to many people. I could barely hold back tears as the large screen showed a video montage of the young warrior. TJ kept a hold of my knee as we watched the video and I gently placed my head on his shoulder. Brian continually rolled his eyes while scoffing as he noticed us. "Huh, you break up with Baron after he shows affection to other girls, but you're perfectly fine doing it to Squid over there." "Um, excuse me?" I fired back as I gently held TJ's knee. "Don't act all innocent princess, you left Baron after he did exactly what you're doing right now." By this point I was trying to not punch him in the face. "Ok, first, I didn't leave Baron because he was comforting me. I left him because he's a lying two-faced bastard who can drop dead. And secondly, what happened between Baron and I is none of your business. Yes, you may be his best friend, but him and I were in that relationship, not you!"

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