Memory Lane

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It had been gruelling for a while but finally it was sorted, TJ and I had finally got a house just for us. Even though it's really sweet living with his parents, it was taking a strain on our relationship; especially in the bedroom. But, we finally had a new place, which meant we could get out of his parents hair, and since they had bonded so incredibly well, we've gave Kingsley to them, and also they'd be there for him consistently where as Teej and I would be travelling.

"And that is the last box." TJ groaned as he attempted to shut the car trunk which was full of our junk. "Wow." His mother said emotionally. "This is bringing back a lot of memories, Teddy moving out, then back in, then back out again!" Deep down, I think she was upset that we had eloped, but we didn't want to waste any more time planning a wedding when, the majority of the stuff we didn't even need!

"Now promise, you'll call us the moment you arrive so we know you're both safe." His mother said sternly as she hugged us both. Having the approval of the mother-in-law was vital for most married couples, but his mom was so loving and she always treated me as if I could do nothing wrong, she was pretty much my mom too! It was one in the morning, which is indeed a stupid time to move the a new property, but we had to travel later that day. "Yes, yes okay, can I drive now?" Teej groaned as his mom wouldn't let him out of her arms. "Son I told you, being married doesn't stop moms being protective; especially yours!"

Finally, we were on our way to the new house. It was sweet, and dainty, and had everything we needed. Whenever we were driving, TJ always let me cuddle into him, which instantly made the drive better. I had my head on his shoulder, whilst one of his hands was stroking my thigh. "You do realise, we're gonna have to break in that new bed?" He winked as we drove down the road. "I was hoping you'd say that...I do need a nap!" I loved joking around with him but I actually was pretty tired.

We both breathed a huge sigh of relief when we parked in the driveway. "Welcome home." He smiled as he carried me over the threshold. I was shocked at what I saw. An array of rose petals led a trail to the living room, which was lit up with scented candles, and some of my favourite photos of the two of us, including photos of when we won our championships were in beautiful frames. I didn't have any words so I turned around and gave him a very  passionate kiss, which obviously led to bedroom antics!

 I didn't have any words so I turned around and gave him a very  passionate kiss, which obviously led to bedroom antics!

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