Monday Night Raw

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Being backstage at Monday Night Raw was a bittersweet feeling

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Being backstage at Monday Night Raw was a bittersweet feeling. Yes, I missed the crew, the superstars, the atmosphere you breathed in as you walked down the ramp. I had been craving that since I became injured, but then again, I was here to talk about my injury.  I knew that Alicia was scheduled to be in the arena, but in all honesty, I didn't want to see her. I don't hold any pettiness towards her, it's not a catfight, I was hurt. I was hurt that I believed she could perform this move and she messed up. If she wasn't confident doing the move, she should've told me.

TJ was the one who drove me to the arena, as it was only twenty minutes away from my house. Usually, the men have to wear suits to indicate sophistication, but there was something about TJ in a black suit that was so...exhilarating.

As I hopped my way into catering, I saw Xavier Woods. Xavier, or 'Woodsy' was one of my closest friends, who had always remained dear to my heart. We were able to laugh and joke around about serious situations. "Hey, look it's Bunny in the house!" He exclaimed as he hugged me. I missed having the banter between the superstars, we all had such a unique bond. "I'll catch you later yeah, see you soon." TJ smiled as he softly kissed me before heading to the locker room.  A few of the superstars had seen TJ and I having a 'lip lock' which suddenly turned into an evasive crowd around me. "So, spill the details, what's going on?" Woodsy said as he tugged on my shoulder. "Nothing's going on, he's been helping me cope with this injury. That's it." "Wait, hold it!" Rich Swann exclaimed as he made me nearly jump out of my skin. "Now I've been friends with Teddy for longer than I can remember, and when I've been injured, he doesn't kiss me out of nowhere, and in public at least!" I felt my cheeks turn bright red. Finally, the majority of the superstars left until it was just Woodsy, Swann and I. "Don't tell him I said this." Swann stated as he sat by me. "But, Teej is crazy about you, he's done a lot for you, he doesn't do that for any girl, believe me."

T-Minus four minutes. I was getting scared. What if there was no reaction? What if this was a setup? What if I trip? So many thoughts were spiralling through my head. "Hey, I've been looking for you." TJ smiled as he jogged towards me, greeting me with a kiss. I could hear the squeals of some of the superstars as they watched us. "How are you feeling? Nervous?" "Teej." I muttered sadly as I stroked his arm. "What if they've already forgotten about me?" "Sweetheart, trust me, they haven't forgotten about you." He smiled as he showed me numerous social media comments from the WWE Universe talking about how they were missing me. "Don't worry, okay?" He gently kissed my head as my music hit. It was time.

As soon as I was in the open for the audience and camera's to see, the whole arena erupted into cheering. I could see all of the signs from the audience, and the commentators buzzing. I was home. "She likes to call herself the 'Mad Hatter of the WWE' on social media. But tonight, she is here to address WrestleMania." Michael Cole spoke as the audience, and commentators applauded me while giving me a standing ovation.

After some help getting in the ring, it was go time. I grabbed a microphone, yet as soon as I opened my mouth, the audience began chanting 'We miss you.' This was overwhelming. "Now, now simmer down." I started as the audience started to listen. "I am here to address the elephant in the room.  WrestleMania 33. I had a match against Alicia Fox. I warned her to not get in my business, and what did she do? This." I pointed my hand to the large monitor showing Alicia's botched move during WrestleMania. "Now, I've been watching Raw and I've seen how she has been parading on how she 'beat me.' Newsflash sweetheart, I beat you. Nobody ever has, or ever will kick out of the Touch of Crimson. What I suggest you do, is get your head out of your backside, and get prepared. Thanks to you, I have a torn calf muscle rupture, and I might not be able to wrestle for the next year. But as soon as I am cleared, I'm coming for you. I want you to feel the pain which I have undergone these past few weeks, I want to leave you begging for me to stop. But I wont. I wont rest until I know I am able to get my hands on you, and put you on the shelf, the same way you've done with me. And once I'm done with you, I'm moving onto bigger and better things; the Women's Championship. I will prove once and for all, why Brooklyn Levya is a force to be reckoned with." The crowd erupted in cheers again as I could feel my rage at Alicia boiling through my veins.

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