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Despite his words of encouragement, TJ and I were struggling to get through this. We barely communicated, and I was lucky to get a goodnight kiss. We were travelling with other people, and when we were backstage, we wouldn't speak to each other. It was a living nightmare.

It was just another normal day. Teej had gone to workout at 6:45am and came back around 2pm. I wasn't allowed to be in the ring due to what had happened, but I was raring to get back in there. As soon as TJ got home, he did as he usually did, shower, change into sweatpants and play video games with Rich. I didn't expect anything different. As he played one of his beloved games, I sat on the couch with him and attempted to cuddle into him. He wasn't as distant as I thought he'd be, as he wrapped one of his arms around me. It was a start.

I couldn't help but smile as he finally showed me some affection. I missed us. I missed the spark we used to have. I missed the way we'd light up when we saw each other. I rested my head on his shoulder as he paused his game, before turning to face me. "I've been such an ass towards you, you don't deserve that." He stated as he laid back, letting me cuddle into him properly. "I mean, look at you, you're absolutely beautiful, you could be with the most incredible guy in the world. You should be with that guy, you're far too good for me." Knowing that we were actually talking about these issues made me so happy, we were finally getting back on track. "Babe, I am with the most incredible guy, in fact I'm cuddling with him now. This is what I've wanted since I was young, not some castle, but love."

We were finally back to being okay. I was being spoilt with kisses whenever I wanted them, which to clarify was every three minutes! When he was at the gym or at live events, he'd tease me with shirtless selfies. Well, there was teasing from both sides! But sometimes the photos I received were showing more of how much of a big kid he actually was!

 Well, there was teasing from both sides! But sometimes the photos I received were showing more of how much of a big kid he actually was!

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