The Finale.

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My life was perfect. I was married to the love of my life, we had three beautiful children, and our careers were continually booming. Honestly, I couldn't ask for my life to be any better.

TJ was busy doing media ahead of the European tour, so I was waiting for him to hurry home. As soon as I saw the bedroom door knob turn, I practically leapt out of bed and into his arms. "Wow, hi, hi, hi there, aw baby, I missed you too." He tried to speak, but my lips continually crashing on his made that difficult. We saw each other practically every day, whether he'd be home, we'd be on facetime, or lovingly stalking each other through social media. It was so difficult to be in a relationship with a professional wrestler, the travelling, the injuries, a lot of it threatened to tear us apart, but no matter what we've dealt with, we have worked so hard and made it work.

It had been a long and gruelling two days, but finally, we were back in bed together. This. I didn't need anything else. Only this moment. "You have no idea how much you mean to me." He gushed as he pulled me into his chest for a huge, loving cuddle. "I mean it Brookie, I've hurt you so badly, and you've stayed by my side, you've taken my engagement ring, my wedding band, and you've bore me three beautiful children. Brooklyn Levya-Perkins, you are my complete and utter world. I will never understand why you've decided to spend your life with me, but I am so grateful. Clearly I've done something right in a past life, to be with the most amazing woman in the world. I love you." Hearing him be like this, reminded me of everything we've dealt with. Break-ups, other girls, insecurities, difficult pregnancies. We've been through a lot, but he was worth it. "Forever?" I asked as I looked up at him, seeing the glimmer in his eyes. "Forever."

"We're getting a reaction!" Someone yelled as my body became warmer. "We're getting a pulse." My eyes were slowly opening. "Annnd, she's back!" I was laying on the floor, a crowd of  medical professionals, and WWE Superstars surrounding me. I looked around, and saw TJ Perkins close to my body. I looked down, and saw what I was wearing, the dress from my first ever Hall of Fame event. What happened?  Did I just dream about that, marriage, a family. Was it all fake?

I looked at the seating and found my name. "Huh, TJ Perkins and The Brian Kendrick." I spoke to myself. "This ought to be a fun night!"

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