Ride Along

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(I'M BACK! High school is over for me, and I am so freaking excited to be writing again! Thank you for the ongoing love, support and patience as I took that semi-break. And a huge, huge thank you to @LindseyMcgrath for this awesome chapter idea!)

Now that TJ was back on television near enough every week, it meant that I was alone with Codi the majority of the time

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Now that TJ was back on television near enough every week, it meant that I was alone with Codi the majority of the time. I loved spending time with my daughter, but I missed seeing the quality time between Codi and TJ.

As Codi was resting on my chest, Raw had just gone off the air so I decided to watch the latest episode of 'Ride Along'. For this episode, it was a Cruiserweight special, featuring Jack Gallagher, Brian Kendrick, Rich Swann and TJ!

As the boys drove through to another state, I couldn't help but smile as I watched TJ through the laptop screen. Yet then TJ took his phone out and decided to facetime me whilst in the car.

"Hey nugget!" He grinned as a huge smile erupted over his face. "Baby! I wasn't expecting a call from you today." "Well I was missing my girls, and plus Rich wanted to say 'hi'" "Hi!"  A loud voice screeched as TJ swerved his phone around so Rich could see Codi and I. "Hi there, I hope Teej isn't annoying you that much." "Eh, he's doing well, fatherhood has really calmed him down."

The screen displayed that after at least twenty minutes to half an hour of being on facetime, Codi decided it was her bedtime so as I tucked her into bed, I could hear what Rich and TJ were conversing about, due to the facetime still being on. "Brookie is such an amazing mom!" Rich exclaimed as they watched me tuck Codi into bed. "She really is. The love she has for Codi is indescribable, if there's something I struggle with, she'll be there to help me, and vice versa. Honestly, I couldn't ask for a better wife, or a better mother of my child."

Rewatching moments like these made my heart explode with love. Even if TJ wasn't here at home physically, he was definitely here spiritually and mentally. And I loved that. He was such a caring and loving father. I truly was the luckiest girl in the world.

(Sorry that this sucked, I promise that as soon as I get back into the habit of writing chapters, I'll improve!)

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