The Morning After

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Waking up in the morning with Teej by me was the best feeling in the world. Knowing that I'll be able to be in his arms, and I'll be able to kiss him was the best feeling in the world. We fell asleep both naked and cuddling into one another so I was able to fall asleep listening to his heartbeat.

As I woke up, I couldn't feel TJ's warm body by my side. I began to worry that I had overslept and wouldn't be able to say goodbye to him as he travelled. I sat on the couch, as I covered my modesty with the thin blanket, but as I looked around, I saw a black suitcase as well as a gym bag waiting by the door. That meant he was nearly leaving to travel but I had some time to spend with him.

"Finally, Sleeping Beauty." He gushed as he sat on the arm rest while kissing my forehead. "Why didn't you wake me, I could've helped you pack?" "Well I love you." He smiled. "And plus you look fucking adorable when you're asleep. And anyway, after last night, you needed all the rest you could get." He was so cute when he was cocky and arrogant.

Forty minutes passed and after I showered and changed, I knew it was time for him to leave. Whenever he left, my heart died a little inside. I hated being away from him, his warmth, his smell, even his hoodies! As I walked down the stairs, I saw him packing his bags into the trunk of his car. As I walked over to him, he carried me and jokingly put me in the trunk of the car. "Hmm, I think that's everything." He chuckled as he softly kissed me. I knew he was joking but we both knew we wanted to travel with one another. "Oh, by the way my little Kitty Cat, there's a present for you in the house, look in the bedroom." I loved it when he called me his 'little Kitty Cat', it's by far my favourite name! "But sweetface!" Yes, we had weird names for each other. "You always spoil me!"

After a long kiss as an even longer hug, he drove away. I hated this sight, seeing him go for weeks on end, not knowing if he'd come back safely. I already missed him. As I walked back into the house, I realised what he said about the gift. I walked up the stairs, with Kingsley by my side until I got into the bedroom. And there on the bed, was three hundred red roses, shopping bags from my favourite designers, as I walked over to the bed to smell the roses, I saw a long note entitled 'Reasons why I love you.' As I moved the roses into at least twelve vases, I saw a small, sleek black box, and as I opened it, there was a folded piece of paper, which as I unfolded it was a photo of his 'Little TJ.' Even when he was gone, he managed to be the most caring person I had ever known.

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