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Two months had passed since TJ and I last saw each other in the flesh

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Two months had passed since TJ and I last saw each other in the flesh. I hated it. We were barely into our first year of marriage, but already we barely spent quality time together. Even though we eloped, we felt horrible that his parents and our friends couldn't be there so we were planning on renewing our vows as a public ceremony.

WWE were hosting a red carpet event to celebrate the legacy of Dusty Rhodes. There wasn't a day that went by where I didn't miss Dusty, he was my second father. But this event was for all superstars, so I was going to be reunited with my amazing husband!

Even as I was getting ready for the event, my heart was yearning to be with my man. I was quickly doing my hair when there was a knock on the door. As I opened it, I couldn't contain my excitement as it was TJ with a rose. "Hey baby!" He smiled as I jumped into his arms. I was nearly crying with happiness as I was finally with my husband. "Are you going to let me go, so I can come in?" He could tell how happy I was to see him, so it wasn't any surprise that I refused to let him go for twenty minutes.

Eventually I let him into the room, but not for long as I kept my arms around him, and my lips on his face. "I've missed you so much." This was honestly how I pictured our reunion being. Me not letting him out of my arms, and him getting lipstick stains over his face. "I thought you might have preferred going to the event with sexy stack of husbandness." He somehow always found a new way to make me love him even more. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the way he spoke about himself. "I kid of course, but there's no denying it, I am a sexy stack of husbandness." "That is what I write on bathroom walls. 'To have a sexy stack of husbandness, call TJ Perkins.'" We both joked but it couldn't deny how much we had missed one another.

It was such a nice feeling being on the red carpet with my man. It was initially planned that myself, Lana and Maryse would walk the carpet together, but I'd never skip an opportunity to be with my love. As the photographers continued taking snapshots of TJ and I, I couldn't help but smile as he whispered in my ear that I looked beautiful.

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