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Since having Codi, WWE had been much more considerate towards TJ and I when it came to the issue of travelling and days away from home. Due to Codi only being four months old, WWE was letting TJ be home for two days a week. For ordinary couples, it may not have seemed like much, but for TJ and I, it was special. Being in the wrestling industry was difficult enough, but once a child is brought into the situation, then it becomes agonisingly difficult.

But Codi was such a perfect child, there wasn't a single flaw about her. I suppose most parents say that, but it's true. Codi was so beautiful, the absolute resemblance of her father. Her piercing brown eyes, and the smile that melted my heart.

Codi was in her crib for a few hours, enjoying a nap when TJ came home. I was always so excited for when he came home, and the times when he was home made me wish we were like a proper family at times. "Hey gorgeous." He smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist gently kissing my shoulder as he, crept up on me as I was preparing dinner. "Come on baby, the food will be okay for a moment, come give me some love." From the way he sounded, he was definitely sexually frustrated, yes we were being intimate when he was home, but it definitely wasn't as often as we'd like.

But I gave in, and turned around so I could face him and give him a bunch of kisses. "How was work?" I asked as I had my arms wrapped around him. "Eh, same old, same old. Missing Codi, missing you. Missing doing you." My statement stood corrected: sexually frustrated. "Baby, come on, show daddy what he's been missing." "Later." "How will later help me now, come on babe." TJ being sexually frustrated was seriously adorable, and also slightly fun, I always gave in but it was fun to see how far he would go. "Babe, I love you, whether you're sexually frustrated or not, but food's nearly finished, so change your hunger to that."

Dinner was quite basic, well I knew when he travelled he stopped at gas stations and picked up snacks, so I went very basic with some Macaroni Cheese and two breadsticks. But all I could see was TJ and his sexual frustration. So me being me, and being such a loving wife, I decided to tease him, by taking a breadstick and fully licking it, letting TJ's imagination run wild. A deep sigh. All TJ could do was sigh deeply and not take his eyes off me. "That's it, you. Here. Now" I bit my lower lip as I obeyed his command, gently sitting on his lap. "Now, would you like to explain to daddy why you continue to tease him, knowing full well, that when daddy gets teased, daddy punishes you?" I loved this side of TJ. Even though we were parents, he still had those needs.

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