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It was crazy to think that it had been over a year since the Hall Of Fame where TJ and I started falling for each other, and within that space, we had gotten engaged, broken up, then got back together

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It was crazy to think that it had been over a year since the Hall Of Fame where TJ and I started falling for each other, and within that space, we had gotten engaged, broken up, then got back together.

It was the first Hall of Fame since we rekindled our romance, and as we were both champions, we decided to look extra special for the night. Barely any of the superstars knew what had happened between us, and we liked to keep it that way, but we went to the event as a couple.

We were both in the hotel room, he was shaving in the bathroom and I was getting my hair and makeup done. As he finished applying aftershave, he gave me a quick kiss, before I pouted in order to get more love. "You should just wear that tonight sweetface." He smiled as he eyed me up and down as I was wearing a onesie.  He looked so good in his suit, I knew I had to outshine him.

As I was getting my outfit on, he was scrolling through twitter, and purposely joking around with me. "Babe." He groaned as he threw small paper balls at me. "Babe. baaaabe!" We were so immature with each other. Once we were finally ready, we annoyed each other more on the car ride there, mainly by me poking his cheek.

Once we arrived at the venue, we stayed for photos before getting ready for interviews. Michael wanted to interview us as a couple, which was really interesting especially since we had never done that before. TJ let me stay in his arms as he continued kissing my face. "Now, this is the first red carpet that you two are going to together, how does it feel?" Michael asked as he awed at the two of us being so affectionate. "It's wearing me down." TJ joked as I fake punched his arm. "No, honestly, it's incredible, she looks absolutely incredible." How did he always know how to make me blush? "As we can see from your beautiful outfit tonight Brooklyn, you are engaged, tell me, are there any wedding plans?" Teej looked at me as he wrapped his arms around me yet again. "Not yet, right now, we're focusing on being the best champions in the WWE." "TJ, your title is on the line tomorrow in a ladder match against Rich Swann, the two of you are good friends, will this affect your mindset going into the match?" "Absolutely not Michael. Yes, Swann and I are friends, but when the title is on the line, all alliances are over." "And final question, Brooklyn, you have a match tomorrow as well, against Bayley, how are you feeling going into it?" "Honestly, I am ready, yes I have had a mean streak as of yet, and I will be using this to my advantage. They don't call me the mad hatter for nothing."

It was definitely weird being a heel in front of TJ, especially since he admitted he got turned on, when I was evil.

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