Mr & Mrs.

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Raw had just gone off the air and I knew it was now or never. I did as I usually did and hugged him when he was least expecting it. "Aw I love you too." He couldn't help but smile as he kissed my head. As soon as we were alone, I stayed in his arms and began kissing the top of his chest. "Do you still want to go through with today?" I asked as I wanted to make sure he was okay. "You know for a fact, that the one thing I want to do with my life, is have you as my wife."

It all started to feel very real

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It all started to feel very real. He was there in his suit, and I was in a dress. We were at the Sunset Gardens Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas and we were about to get married. Usually it's tradition for the bride and groom to not see each other before the bride walks down the aisle, but we weren't exactly the prime example of a normal couple. "Hey." He grinned as he nudged my arm. "You look beautiful. Honestly, how did I ever get so lucky to be with you?" I couldn't help but give him a long kiss, how was he able to roll compliments off the tongue like that?

As we were by the priest, TJ took my hand and couldn't take his eyes off me. The Priest conducted the ceremony until it was time for the vows. Without sounding like a total freak, the moment him and I got back together, I wrote my wedding vows; I always knew I was going to marry him. "Brooklyn." Teej began as he stroked my hand. "Since I first saw you at the Hall of Fame when you were being interviewed, I knew this is where I wanted us to be. Not only are you my fiancée but you're my best friend, I want to grow old with you. You're my guide in life, you've shown me the right path, and not only will I love you for this hour, but until the end of time. I want to kiss you every day, even if we're arguing or doing whatever, all I want to do is kiss you, not only will it mark how much I love you, but it'll remind us of tonight. My love for you is nothing short of eternal, I vow to be by your side from now until we die, and even after that I will be by your side. I thought this sounded good, but it looks better on paper, so screw that, Brooklyn Levya, I love you." Those words made me near enough cry, he was honestly so perfect. He slid the diamond ring onto my hand, as I couldn't help but wipe my eyes of the tears streaming down my cheek.

And then it was my turn. I inhaled a deep breath as I stroked his cheek. "Oh, I don't know where to start. What you said made me so emotional. When I'm in your arms, I feel at home, you know me better than anyone, and somehow you still want to be with me. Tonight, I give myself to you, not only as your partner, but now as your wife. We have gone through so much, and I have given my everything to you. All the fangirls, and the fanboys, they love us, probably too much, but we both know I'm your biggest fangirl. I have been dreaming of this day since the day we met, and now it's here, I love you so much!" I didn't really know what else to say, so I placed his ring on his finger. This was it, we were married. "Since you have pronounced your love and dedication, it is my greatest honour to pronounce you: Husband and Wife! TJ, you may kiss your wife!" Hearing that felt like music to my ears. As TJ and I finally shared our first kiss as a married couple, he stroked my cheek as we couldn't get enough of one another.  "Did I tell you that you look absolutely beautiful, Mrs Perkins?" He whispered as we made our way out of the chapel and into his car.

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