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My gear was on, and I was rearing to go

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My gear was on, and I was rearing to go. Once the commercial break ended, I saw TJ in the commentators position. I knew he and Brian had been feuding since forever so I wasn't overly fussed. Just then Alicia and her boy toy came out to the ring, and grabbed a microphone. "Now, for the past hmm what is it, six months, I have been your most dominant superstar. I've put girls on the shelf; Bayley, Brooklyn Levya, ha even Dana Brooke! And where are these girls, I hear you ask? Who knows? I'm not scared of any woman  backstage, so if you want to prove yourself, come out here." TJ was breathing heavily, almost with anger as Brian couldn't take his eyes off him. Just then, Charlotte's music hit. "Alicia, Alicia, Alicia, do you never learn? I am the Women's Champion, I issue the challenges, not you. You say how you're the most dominant superstar in the locker room, then how come I'm the Women's Champion?"

The girls immediately started brawling then the lights suddenly went dark. The opening of my music hit, and the crowd erupted in cheering, and chanting 'Yes.' Both girls were looking down at the ramp perplexed, then immediately I threw Charlotte out of the ring; leaving just me and Alicia. She backed into a corner, letting me drag her to the middle of the ring, and pounce on her as I threw right hands at her face. "It-it's Brooklyn Levya! She's back!" Michael exclaimed. "She's been out of action due to a leg injury since WrestleMania!" As officials took me away from Alicia, Brian started mocking TJ, and dabbed before Teej attacked him, throwing punches. "And TJ Perkins going after Brian Kendrick!" "You know what they say, Michael." Corey grinned. "The couple that throws punches together, stay together." Alicia was in the middle of the ring and I saw my opportunity. "Touch of Crimson!" Byron exclaimed as I performed my finisher. As TJ got in the ring, Alicia and Brian ran away down the ramp. It was just TJ and I in the ring. Finally, everything was as it should be, TJ and I in the ring, doing what we love.

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