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After numerous medical appointments and medical examinations, it was decided that I would need to undergo surgery to repair my neck. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried, dying during surgery was one of my greatest fears.

"Morning Princess, it's time to wake up." TJ spoke softly as he kissed my forehead. I loved mornings like these, waking up in his arms with my face on his chest so I can listen to his heartbeat. It was so precious.

I knew that deep down, he was scared of the surgery as well. But he didn't want me to see his fear. After he spoilt me by cooking me breakfast, he finished up in the shower and suddenly wrapped his arms around me as he crept up on me. "Don't do that." I jokingly frowned as I faced him, with our arms wrapped around one another. "Don't tell my wife how much I love her and how much I appreciate her? Damn babe, that's cold."

Once we arrived at the hospital and I was put under anaesthetic, I didn't remember much after that. I felt TJ's warm kiss on my forehead as they took me into the operating room. And then nothing. Point blank. I must've been out for hours, because when I came back around, it was nightfall. "Hey, how are you feeling?" TJ smiled as he sat on the hospital bedside. I couldn't be more happier to see him, even though my body was numb, TJ made me feel like a Queen. He had flowers around the bed, and he knew how much I hated hospital gowns, so he had his hoodie wrapped around my arms, and yet again, his lips on my forehead.

Getting through the surgery was just step one. Now I needed to work hard to be cleared and go back to being WWE's Mad Hatter.

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