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SummerSlam was only two weeks away, and personally, WWE were slacking when it came to building up the main event

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SummerSlam was only two weeks away, and personally, WWE were slacking when it came to building up the main event. Fans barely knew about it, all WWE had really done was post photos on their Instagram story and some small comments during tapings but nothing of actual relevance.

"No matter what you say, I will always love you more." TJ smiled as we stayed in each others arms. We were backstage at Raw and having one of those who loves each more fights. All I actually wanted was a kiss, but somehow I ended up with my arms wrapped around him, and his arms wrapped around me. I couldn't help but groan, as I knew his stubborn attitude would never let me win this fight. "Did I tell you that you look beautiful tonight?" He smiled as he kissed my forehead. Even though we had been married for a few months now, he never ceased to surprise me. "You say that every time that you see me." We didn't hide the fact that we were married, and there were still people who were only just realising.

We stayed cuddling as we watched Raw through a small monitor, some of us had finally been told who the couples were going to be in the SummerSlam main event; Nikki and John, Mike and Maryse, Alexa and Noam, and Myself and TJ. I knew I was going to be a part of this segment, as it was the 'stepping stone' towards the match. "Hasn't Raw been great?" Stephanie started as the crowd weren't the biggest fans of her. "Now, now, the biggest event of the summer is only weeks away, and from what I've heard, my dear brother Shane McMahon is choosing two superstars from his brand who are dating to prove who's the more dominant couple. Well, dear brother, I hate to disappoint, but you wont find dominance on your brand." It's safe to say, the way the crowd hated Stephanie was incredible, I needed that type of heel heat. Once Cena's music hit, I knew this was going to happen. "Wow, it's been a long time since I've been here, and may I just say, Steph, you don't look a day younger!" "Cena, get back to wear you belong!" "Now, now, simmer down, I heard you were trying to trash talk Team Blue, and talk about dominance, well, let me introduce to you, The Nikki Bella!" The crowd always loved seeing Nena together, as did I, they were true soulmates. Stephanie ran out of the ring, which led to Nikki chasing after her and beating her, before Maryse coming to Stephanie's aid. "John, John, John, you never learn. You just can't help but intervene." Mike began, before chaos interrupted and Alexa came out. She had only recently been drafted to Raw, so I knew she was determined to shine. "With all due respect guys, this isn't your brand, you weren't good enough to be here, so slither on down. And all of this dominant couple palava, well look no further. DarDar and I have proved why we are the best couple in WWE, so cancel SummerSlam, the results came in early." I was definitely in a weird position, my character was a heel, yet in this match, I was going to be a face.

As soon as TJ came out, I couldn't help but smile. I mean, I was married to such a babe! "Now, now fella's, Cena, Mizzy, you there. Ok good. You stand there talking about dominance, yet I see no championships near you. Where as, over here, well this Cruiserweight title hasn't left my side." He looked so hot when he had his title with a suit. Fuck. "Now, John, I start with you. You see there's a myth that if a man is quite masculine and muscular, it usually means you're not very 'masculine' in the bed. And I will give you respect, you are a very hard worker, and that bruise on your leg doesn't look pretty. I'm surprised you're still walking here and performing with a limp, or does he Nikki?" He was so cute when he was arrogant. "And now, I turn to you Mr Awesome one." Before he could say anymore, he was interrupted by Maryse who spoke something to him in French but no one was really sure what it was. Nikki and Maryse were both trash talking TJ, whilst he just stood there laughing, but not when they both slapped him. "You see, I won't hit a woman, buuuut, I do know someone who will." He pointed to the ramp as I came running down and immediately going after the girls. Their men took them out of the ring, until it was only TJ and I left in the ring. "Let's get something straight Frenchy and Sillicone, you bitches try to mess with my man again, and let's just say, there wont be enough makeup or extensions in the world for you." The crowd were loving having TJ and I there together, until Alexa tried coming in the ring, and I hit her with the Touch of Crimson. "SummerSlam, prove your worth!" I exclaimed as TJ raised my hand while inaudibly saying 'damn, that's my wife!'

As we made our way backstage, Teej and I were stopped for an interview. "Brooklyn, TJ, can you give us any insight into what just happened out there?" "Oh, sure of course." TJ smiled as he had one of his arms wrapped around my shoulders. "The insight is; I have the best wife in the world!" As TJ spoke, Maryse tried to attack him from behind, but I immediately threw her into an equipment box again and gave her one of the most vicious beatings before she could even reach my man. "Let that be a lesson." I smirked as the interviewer looked slightly scared of me. "Mess with my man, and the beast will be unleashed. Mark my words."

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