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After TJ ushered me to enjoy a night out with Reby, I found myself in a weird and strange predicament. I had never been one for clubs, but there I was.

We had both been drinking, and we had been out for hours. After I went in the ladies room to reapply some make-up, I walked back out and saw Reby doing something she really shouldn't have been doing. "Reby! What the hell?" I was shocked to see her engaged in a lip lock with another man.

We sat and talked in a taxi and she explained how her and Matt were having issues and Matt was contemplating divorce. After what happened tonight, she needed some time alone, so I paid for a hotel room, before I made my way back home.

"Hey, baby. How was the night?" TJ smiled as he gave me multiple kisses. Once I explained the situation, he looked surprised at the revelation. "Wow, I just, wow. I thought they were so happy." "Exactly! They just had their second child and they're already having issues. What if we have that?" "Babe." He smiled as he took me in his arms. "That'll never happen to us. We'll work through any issues we get faced with. We always have and we always will. I love you."

(Sorry these chapters have been short and dull, I have writers block.)

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