Winter Warmth

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Finally I was home. I had such a long day and I was more than ready to cuddle with my man under a toasty blanket. It must've been around 11:30pm which meant that my love was asleep, meaning that I'd have to be extra quiet when I got in the house.

As soon as I locked the front door, I left my heels by the couch and crept my way up the stairs. I quietly opened the bedroom but to my surprise, TJ was laying on the bed, which had been covered in rose petals. "What's all this?" I smiled as he greeted me with a long hug. "Well, it sounded as if you had a long day and I wanted to make you feel better. After all, it is my job as a husband to make my girl feel better."

Like the loving husband he was, he helped me change out of my outfit and into one of his hoodies while I wore just a blue set from Victoria's Secret. I couldn't help but smile as he massaged my feet. Christmas had been and gone and we were barely weeks into the new year, so the weather was bitterly cold.

He then decided to bring a bag onto the bed, which felt very familiar. "This feels familiar." I smiled as this brought back a lot of memories from when Teej and I were dating, or at least when I was injured, all those years ago. He smirked as he took takeaway out of the bag, which was my favourite meal from our local Chinese takeout. He was actually such an amazing husband, so thoughtful, and kind, and loving, and in the sack, wow! He was near enough a god!

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