Trouble in Paradise

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We wanted to keep the engagement a surprise, well at least for a few days. Teej and I thought it's be best to share the news through Instagram, so I posted a cute selfie showing the ring, and he posted a facetime screen capture.

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Of course, some of our closest friends and family were upset to have found out this way, but we didn't want people finding out at different stages of our relationship

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Of course, some of our closest friends and family were upset to have found out this way, but we didn't want people finding out at different stages of our relationship.

It was the first live event since we broke the news, and without any doubt, the girls were all gathered around me, mesmerized by my ring and wanting me to talk about the proposal where as all the guys were asking him about the celebrations after we got engaged! As TJ was in a tag match with Jack Gallagher against Neville and Tony Neese, I was backstage with the makeup crew, when who else than Brian Kendrick came up to me and stated he needed to talk to me. "What?" I asked sternly, as to be frank, I didn't want to talk to him. "Nice to see you too. Listen, I know you got engaged and everything, and I am happy for you, but are you sure that TJ Squidward is right for you. I mean, he isn't exactly loyal, is he?" "What do you mean?" I knew TJ would never hurt me, but I did have insecurities, and I forced myself to believe him. "Oh, you didn't know? Um, well let's just say there's video footage of your precious fiancée not being loyal." I was confused, until Brian showed me a video on his phone of TJ and another girl in a nightclub engaged in a passionate lip lock. Look, I know I've been a dick to you in the past, but I thought you knew about this. I'm sorry, Brooklyn." And with that, he left.

My heart was broken. Would TJ cheat on me? We had just gotten engaged, was everything he said just a lie? As he came back from the match, he gave me a quick kiss, before heading to the showers. Was everything just an act?

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