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TJ and I had been engaged for around five months now, if the short break is included. We wasn't too bothered about planning yet, but that couldn't be said for everyone around us. People at work were consistently pestering us to set a date, which did get very irritating, but it was to be expected.

Fortunately, we were able to stay home for two days, which meant the sweet sound of no pestering! Being able to be home, even if it was just for a short time was too good of an opportunity to pass up! When Teej and I were home, you'd think we'd sp...

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Fortunately, we were able to stay home for two days, which meant the sweet sound of no pestering! Being able to be home, even if it was just for a short time was too good of an opportunity to pass up! When Teej and I were home, you'd think we'd spend quality time together, but we had so many errands to do, there was little to no time for each other. But to keep the romance alive, we made a rule that we both had to be in bed by 11:32pm, and to the date, that rule was always kept!

I had finally finished the last of my errands for the day, and it was only 4pm, so I decided to spend time with my man, but he was otherwise engaged with a game, which was perfect, especially since I was able to annoy him! He was near enough on the edge of the couch, so once I made some cocoa for myself, I sat and watched him be so focused, I don't think he even noticed me!

Annoying him was extremely fun on my behalf, but it also meant I could get his attention; even if it was just for a moment! I knew I wanted to have some fun with him, so I took off one of my Wookie slippers and started poking his face with my foot. "You do know that there are girls all over the world who'd die to be in your position?" He smiled as he focused on the game. "To be on a couch watching bubbles form on the side of your mouth? I should be so lucky!"

Half an hour passed and I was still sat there watching him. Well, I was also secretly taking photos and videos of him and adding it to my Instagram and Snapchat stories! Yet, as I looked down at my engagement ring, and I realised that maybe some of the girls were right. TJ and I were crazy at each other, and we knew we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, so why not start planning our wedding?

"Babe!" I pouted at him, whilst trying to get his attention. "Babe! Babe, I love you. Babe, you're a rude ass whore!" "Love you too, sweet face!" He laughed as I tried to not frown at him. "Babe, I'm sexually frustrated and I want to ravish you right here and now." That made him give me attention. "Oh really?" He smirked as he faced me. "What about Papi turns you on?" "The amount of attention really gets my motor running." We were so naturally evil to each other, but we meant it in a romantic way.

As I moved to sit on his lap, I wrapped one of my arms around him whilst he finally let me give him kisses. "You're still a rude ass whore though." I laughed as I held him. "Yes, but I'm your rude ass whore. Forever!" "How come we haven't started planning though, babe?" I knew he wasn't a fan of big events but I also knew how much he loved me, so I was slightly confused. "Well I know because of your parents, you don't have the best view on marriage so I wanted to go at a pace that you were comfortable with. If I had it my way, we'd be married by now." He was honestly so thoughtful and caring, I had to give him another kiss! "So you'd be happy if we started planning right now?" "Well I am about to level up, so how about in five minutes or so?" "Babe!" He was so caring and thoughtful, yet so humorous. "Isn't it tradition for the groom to not know any plans and just turn up and hope it's the right place?" "Babe, how about, you pick one little planning thing, then you can do whatever you want." After what sounded like a groan, we finally started planning for our wedding. "Wait, wait, wait." He smiled as he kept an arm around me. "I have a good idea for planning. Wait for it: you be the bride, and I be the groom!" As much as I hated to admit it, that was a key stage of planning, so I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Boom! I've planned a wedding, now let's have sex!" He exclaimed as he walked to the kitchen island while taking his shirt off. "Ugh, you suck." I groaned as I put a binder on the floor. "Yeah, but you swallow for me every time!"

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