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Since the baby shower, my mind hadn't been able to think straight. I mean, I hadn't been able to contact my husband ever since I told him the news that I was pregnant again, but then out of nowhere he decided to write me a letter. I hadn't even considered reading it though, it sounds stupid, but I could tell that it'd just end up breaking my heart.

Finding out I was having twins was a weird concept. Don't get me wrong, I was more than excited, but I'm jumping from having just my little girl, my little Codi, to having three. It's a huge step, and to be frankly honest, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to cope.

But Halloween was here, and I saw it as an opportunity to take my mind off everything. TJ, the twins, adapting to being a single parent, of three. For the superstars and other backstage workers, WWE was becoming more relaxed and gave us time away during holidays. Since it was Codi's first ever Halloween, and with TJ being away, I thought it'd be adorable if we had matching costumes.

The night had been and gone, and as Codi was asleep by me, all I could think about was that damn stupid letter

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The night had been and gone, and as Codi was asleep by me, all I could think about was that damn stupid letter. I was scared of what he wrote. What if it was divorce papers? What if there was another girl in his life. Before I knew it, I was by the kitchen counter, moving the wedding ring and grabbing hold of the letter. I went back to the bedroom and tore the envelope open. I glanced open at it, noticing that there was no ring, which made me feel just slightly better. My hand was shaking as I read it.

"My Dearest Brooke, I don't even know where to begin. I'm sure you have a lot of questions. Where am I? What is the current state of our relationship? What is going on? Let me answer them now. I'm fine, I'm safe. I overreacted to the news, I admit. It was wrong of me to leave you like this for the past few months. I miss you, I miss Codi, I love both of you more than anything in the world, and now that I've been told that we're having twins, wow! Please take me back, I beg you. I miss seeing your face in the morning, all I have is our wedding photo on the floor beside me. You're beautiful, and such an amazing mother. I love you so much, please have me back. I'm only yours, I can't spend my life with anyone but you. I love you."

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