Round Two

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"Oh god, Papi, more, more, more!" Sex in the shower, first thing in the morning was the perfect way to bring in the morning, after all this was WrestleMania day! "Oh fuck, baby, I'm close, oh fuck!" TJ groaned as he thrusted inside me

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"Oh god, Papi, more, more, more!" Sex in the shower, first thing in the morning was the perfect way to bring in the morning, after all this was WrestleMania day! "Oh fuck, baby, I'm close, oh fuck!" TJ groaned as he thrusted inside me. Sex with him was incredible, but shower sex? That was heavenly. The water glistening on his torso, and the love bites I give him being on full display. But, initially, it only happened because he woke me up by kissing me and telling me he was going to squeeze in a quick workout, and he came back and saw me in the shower!

Once he came inside of me, we stood in the shower and smiled, as we regained our breath, before he took my hand and led me out of the shower, to wrap a warm towel around me. We could be doing anything, and he'd still do the littlest thing to prove he cares. Once we were both dressed and looking appropriate, we left the hotel to check out the arena. That cute doofus of mine decided take his glasses with him, and wore them as he drove, keeping one hand on my thigh.

As we arrived, he kept an arm around me, as I cuddled into him as we walked around. "You're walking in here as the champion, all of these people in all of these seats will be watching you. How does that make you feel?" He smiled as he held me close to him. "Well, when you put it that way..." I giggled as I kissed his hand. "As long as you're here, I could take on the world. But, you'll be walking in as a Champion as well, it's not all about me." "Hmm, I suppose that's true, but with or without the belt, I'm a champion. I have you." There he went again, with his charms.

As soon as I moved so I was facing him, yet still in his arms, he gave me another kiss, before forcing me to wear his glasses. "There, beautiful." He smiled as he held more, before looking over and seeing some other superstars arriving in to the arena; Emma and Rich immediately came to see us. "You ready, bro?" Rich asked TJ as they engaged in a man hug. "To beat your ass? Bring it!" They were so competitive, and it was fun to watch. Emma and I decided to leave the boys and walk around the arena. "It's so crazy to think of the year you guys have had." She said as we walked down to the bottom of the arena. "I mean, you're engaged, and after everything with Baron, I thought it would've took ages for you to find someone. But you've found your happily ever after." She smiled as we looked up at the guys doing an arm wrestling challenge. "It's incredible, but since Nikki and John got married, everyone is expecting us to be the next to wed." "Well, do you want to marry him?" "Of course, with all of my heart, but work is going incredible for both of us, we don't have the time to plan." "Get a planner then boo!" "Eh, they're kinda pricey and they do a half ass job, and anyway, a wedding should be what the couple decided, not what some snobby ass bitch pressured us to get!" We talked about weddings for a little while longer before going back up to the guys, in which everyone awed as TJ and I greeted each other with a kiss.

Once we got backstage, the pressure started to kick in. The lights, the atmosphere, the amount of people running around. It was actually WrestleMania! Before I got into my gear, I wanted to see TJ, and I knew exactly where he'd be. As soon as I saw him in catering, I immediately jumped on his back, and wrapped my arms around him. I was still wearing his glasses, but he didn't care. As per usual, we couldn't keep our lips or hands off one another, as he tilted his head to the side and kept his arms wrapped around me.

I was still cuddling him when the firework explosions went off, which truthfully scared the life out of me. "Aw cute face!" He smiled as he saw me nearly jump out of my skin. "You wake up to this face every morning, yet you're scared of fireworks." I frowned at him, as I jokingly punched his shoulder. He smirked at me, as he knew I couldn't be mad at that face. "I want kisses." I pouted as I poked his chin, and shortly after I got my wish of fifteen kisses!

" I pouted as I poked his chin, and shortly after I got my wish of fifteen kisses!

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I quickly left to change into my gear, as the first match was undergoing. My gear looked insane for WrestleMania, all black, with studs, and a masquerade lace mask. The thing I loved most about my gear though, was my cape. A mesh cape that was built into a rockstar studded leather jacket; I looked like a true bad ass! During the matches, we weren't allowed any jewellery which TJ accepted, so I had to take off my engagement ring. But I still wanted to have a part of TJ with me, so aside from having a lock of his hair in the bouquet of black roses, I kept the glasses he gave me In the pocked of my shorts.

It was definitely weird walking around backstage, with a long cape following me, but as it came to TJ's match, I sat with his buddies in catering as we all watched. "Ooo, and TJ with a nice drop kick." Michael said as we all were glued to the small screen. "Pay close attention to TJ's gear, you'll see he has a small black rose on his pants, an obvious reference to his fiancée the Raw Women's Champion Brooklyn Levya." "Whether you love or hate this dabber, you have to admit, he is the luckiest son of a bitch in the world to go home to Brooklyn Levya every night!" Jerry exclaimed as TJ slowly climbed the rope, to retrieve his championship. "And TJP takes his championship off the top rope, and he is still the champion!" Corey shouted as his music hit. He helped Rich get up, before having another man hug. "These two have been best friends for so long, and they've both said nothing but appreciation for one another."

As TJ made his way backstage, I gave him a celebratory kiss as I kept my arms around him. He hadn't seen me in my gear, but as he eyed me up and down, I could tell he was impressed. "Damn baby, Papi likey, Papi likey very much." He smirked as he twirled me around. I couldn't help but smile as I realised that all of the love bites I had given him were on full display during his match, which meant parts of the love bites I had would be on display.

"Brooklyn, you have eight minutes!" An official shouted as they frantically ran around. Teej saw this as an opportunity and took me into a room, and laid me down on the floor. "Hmm eight minutes, I could do that!" He smirked as he got on top of me. "Baby, as much as I love you, and I want this, you cant last eight minutes. But I promise, as soon as my match is done, you can get as much time as you want with me." I whispered in his ear as he growled whilst I held his package over his gear.

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