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I needed to be away from the house. After the argument, I couldn't bare being alone in the house. Yes Pharoh was there with me, but being in the bed without TJ was breaking my heart. Fortunately, Becky was having her wedding in Mexico, so I was able to take a weekend away to collect my thoughts.

Some of the girls were staying in a resort where we had a private beach. Primarily it was us girls from Total Divas, Nattie, Nikki, Brie, Lana, Maryse, Naomi, Renee and Carmella, so they could film it, but honestly, I wasn't in the mood to be surrounded by love. All of the girls, including myself were enjoying a sit-down meal by the housing chef, when the girls were being offered drinks. "Just water for me, thanks." I responded as the girls all looked at me suspiciously. "Any particular reason why Brookey?" Maryse asked as I looked down at my stomach. "Maybe just one." "Oh my God, congratulations." The girls squealed as they pulled me in for hugs.

We talked for a few moments about pregnancy before the girls started asking me about TJ's reaction. Oh god. This was what I had been hoping to avoid. "Yeah, he was happy." I muttered as I looked around, trying to hide my tears. "What's wrong?" Renee asked as she knew something was wrong. "Nothing, nothing, let's take focus off me and back to Becky." "No, Brooklyn, tell us, what happened." The girls couldn't take their eyes off me, so I knew how much I despised opening up, I'd have to talk to them about this. "Well, he was still upset that he lost the championship and Kendrick was mocking him. TJ and I started arguing, and once I told him I was pregnant, he said to raise it with Brian." I was trying so hard to not cry, but tears were strolling down my cheek.

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