Coming Back

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I was still on maternity leave, while TJ was slowly returning. He was back at the gym with Rich Swann while I stayed at home with Codi and Pharoh.

"Babe, I'm back!" TJ grinned as he walked through the front door. As soon as he saw me laying on the couch with Codi on my chest, I saw a huge smile erupt on his face, before he greeted me with a kiss. "Hey baby. Ooo what are you watching?" He smiled as he sat by me, before pulling my feet on his lap. "Bates Motel, how was the workout?" "Well I missed my girls but it was fun, and plus well you and I have had much better workouts...if you catch my drift. But Bates Motel? Seriously babe, you worry me."

As Codi decided she wanted to cuddle her dad, I decided I wanted to cuddle him too! "Are you excited to go back on television?" I asked as he cuddled into Codi and I. "I am, but I don't want to leave you here all alone with Codi, I'll miss you  both probably more than I should!" I wanted him to stay, I wanted to watch the bond he shares with Codi every day.

"How about you though sweetness? Do you feel ready to go back?" By this point, Codi had gone to sleep in her co-sleeper so TJ and I were finally able to have quality time. "Is it bad that I don't know?" "Of course it isn't babe!" He reassured as he pulled me onto his lap. "You've just had a baby, you want to stay with Codi, but you wanna wrestle, I get it." "What should I do about it? Both seem like the right thing to do." "Well babe, it's ultimately your choice, but remember if it doesn't seem right, we can always change it. Come here, I love you." As he pulled me in for a kiss, I couldn't help but smile at how loving he was. He was the Dumbledore to my Harry Potter, my wise owl, my everything. And I was so lucky to have a family with him, and be his wife.

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