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Three months had passed since I last saw TJ at the car park. We hadn't had contact since, and I was still an emotional wreck. I still missed him, but I needed to be strong, after all, he probably got with someone new anyway.

Nikki and John had finally decided to get married, and the day was only hours away. Fortunately for me, Rusev and John had an issue with each other, so Lana and I decided to go with each other. Due to Nikki being the bride, the theme was black tie, which was definitely to be expected.

As the day approached, I finally finished getting ready, but wasn't getting into my outfit just yet. I stayed in my lace black robe, as I made some coffee and took in the window view of the beautiful Napa Valley. As Nikki came in to the room, we greeted each other with a hug, before we talked about her big day. "Now don't be mad." She said as we sat on the bed. "But, TJ is kinda coming to the wedding today, and he arrived to the hotel a few moments ago." "That's fine, honestly. It's your big day, don't worry about it."

But, finally we all made our way to the Auberge du Soleil  in Napa Valley, and as Lana and I walked in, we were in awe at how beautiful it was

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But, finally we all made our way to the Auberge du Soleil  in Napa Valley, and as Lana and I walked in, we were in awe at how beautiful it was. We took our seats and quickly took some photos of the beautiful venue. Within three minutes, we heard a 'impressed whistle' coming from the door, and as we turned around, we noticed it was TJ with his guys, Noam, Swann and Gallagher. This was uncomfortable for me to see him, especially at a wedding, but it didn't help that he looked incredibly hot in his suit, and the fact they were seated in the row behind us!

As the ceremony henceforthed, I couldn't stop smiling as I saw how happy Nikki looked. She was such a beautiful bride! Finally, the ceremony ended, and we all made our way to the reception.

Being in such a loving environment was very difficult for me, so as the newly-weds had their first dance, I left the room and went to the balcony for some alone time. Seeing TJ and how happy he was, was tearing my heart. After the last wedding we were at, I never thought we'd be in this predicament.

"I thought I'd find you here." TJ smiled as he walked onto the balcony with his arm caressing my back. "What are you doing out here, beautiful?" "I just needed some alone time, why are you out here?" "The same as you, I needed some alone time. As stupid as it sounds, being here, with all the lovey-dovey crap is getting to me. I thought we'd be the ones to get married next. Being here, has been tough, I know, I know I'm strange." "Not that strange." I smiled as I gently nudged him with my shoulder.  "I know you're probably used to hearing this, but fuck me, you look beautiful." "So who's your plus one, Mr Perkins?" "My right hand." He was disgustingly funny. "No, seriously, I don't have one. I was going to ask you, but I didn't want to make things weird." I missed him so much. "But, honestly, Brooklyn, I've missed you like crazy. And seeing you here, looking like a goddess, it's a weird feeling. And...wait, are you wearing your engagement ring?" He smiled as he looked down at my ring, which he only knew about since he was holding my hand. "Uh, yeah, I thought that..." My agonising stammering was stopped as he pulled me in and kissed me. I didn't know what to do, I missed him, but this was sudden. Without hesitation, I kissed him back, as I wrapped my arms around him. I never wanted this moment to end, but as our lips grew apart, I felt him smile on me, as we stayed in the arms of one another. "I'm sorry, I totally interrupted you." He smiled at me. "Oh, yeah, well the thing is, I love you." Saying that to him again felt incredible, especially when he pulled me in for another kiss.

It was beautiful. It was magical. Being in his arms, at sunset, in Wine Country, after three long months. It was picture perfect. Almost like it'd been took out of a fairytale.

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