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"Babe?" TJ whispered softly as he laid beside me. "Sweetheart, it's time to wake up." Having him being home was so rewarding, being able to see his bond with his daughter was so beautiful.

Codi's room was still a complete wreckage, so for the time being, she slept in a co-sleeper which attached to my side of the bed, so that TJ wouldn't have to get up in the night, especially if he had to travel.

Since having Codi, TJ and I hadn't had any form of intimacy, not even making out, which was a downside but I knew he felt like I was still recovering from being in labour. "Have I ever told you that you look like a goddess in the morning?" He asked as he pulled me into his arms. "You say that like every morning." "Hey, hey don't complain, you have no idea what it's like to be married to such a queen." The way he made me blush like a schoolgirl felt like something out of a movie.

His kind and loving words resulted in a kiss, then before I knew it, we were making out, one of my hands on his cheek, the other on his chest. As a tease, I was sucking on his tongue while he still attempted to swirl it. "Babe, babe, babe, babe." He grinned as he pulled me into his lap. "If we go here, and the bed starts squeaking, she's gonna wake up and start crying." "Well then, maybe you shouldn't make the bed squeak." I smirked as I kissed his neck. "Oh baby, you know that when I'm with you, something will squeak." The way he became so arrogant when it came to sex was actually kinda cute. "Shower?"

Half an hour passed and once we finally finished in the bathroom, I went back into the bedroom to check on Codi. "She's still sleeping?" He asked as he greeted me with a hug and kiss from behind. "Isn't she beautiful?" "As beautiful as her mommy." Even then, he made me blush, the way he rolled compliments off his tongue. "Hey guess what?" He smiled as he kissed my cheek. "I love you."

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