Hotel Rooms

724 22 2

Hours had passed since TJ and I last spoke at the bar, and after another round of shots, I decided it was time for me to 'hit the hay'. After stumbling up the staircases, I finally found my room. Room 304.  By this point I was border-lining tipsy and on the verge of being drunk, so I made the right decision going back to the room.

My room was next door to Rich Swann, who was also TJ's best friend. Sasha and I were supposed to be sharing a room, but she was busy 'getting busy' with Swann next door; leaving me to be alone in the room.  I was starting to feel really hot so I scrummaged through my suitcase, until I found a cute star wars shirt and short set.

As soon as I placed my head on the soft, fluffy pillows, there was a knock on the door. Typical. Due to bad early morning lighting, i wore the first shoes I could find; which just so happened to be a Super Mario slipper and a Wookie foot.

As i opened the door, I saw TJ Perkins resting his head on the frame. "Brooklyn!" He exclaimed, looking startled. "Listen, I'm petrified to walk into the room, well actually I don't want to walk in on Swann and Sasha, do you mind if I stay here for a little while?" TJ Perkins was scared. That was pretty humorous, and sweet. "Uh, yeah sure of course, come on in."

After talking for hours on end, mainly about video games, but as we laid on the bed, i realised, i hadn't shared a bed with anyone since Baron. "Sorry about this." He smiled as he stroked my hair. "Don't worry about it, they have always had sexual tension, I was just hoping they'd do it not during WrestleMania!" I was trying to avoid him seeing me shivering, but he noticed, and wrapped the blanket around me, as well as cuddling into me. We were spooning. I felt safe being in his arms, and not long after, we both fell asleep.

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