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Now that I was becoming closer to returning to the ring, WWE had been doing subtle hints about my return. Whether it was the commentary team mentioning me, or superstars mentioning me in their promo's, it felt good to be missed.

From what I was able to interpret, TJ's flight to Texas had been delayed, so he decided to do a 'live video stream' on Instagram. Usually he'd FaceTime me, but I had been under the weather for the past week with a flu, so I forced him to not call.

Even though I loved our FaceTime calls, I felt too ill for him to see me. My hair was a mess, I had no makeup on, I had huge 'bags' under my eyes, plus not to mention my less than attractive sweatpants and sweatshirt combination. But I guess one advantage of breast-feeding is that my breasts had increased by at least a cup size, which obviously TJ adored!

Despite my sickness, I decided to watch TJ's Live Video Stream, which obviously fans swooned over, mainly because 'BrooJP' was so public. "All righty-o guys, it's TJP here, in an airport. The flight is delayed, so I thought to myself 'why not do a q &a session with you guys! So pop down your questions and I'll answer, just please, keep it clean."

I loved seeing the fans ask dozens of questions to TJ. "Woah, woah woah, I didn't realise you had so many questions. Okay, first question, how did it feel to be teaming up with Brian Kendrick considering he was the one who took the championship from you? Um, ok wow, Brian and I go way back. Way before WWE, before TNA. I knew he was championship material, and I am incredibly grateful to have been the first Cruiserweight Champion, and even though he took the title away from me, it was awesome to see Kendrick as champion, and Swanny, especially after knowing these guys for so long."

Minutes were flying past and I stayed a 'ghostie' on TJ's question and answer session. I loved seeing the variation of questions he was asked, some was about Pharoh, some was about Codi and I, there was such a variation of questions. "All right guys, final question. Ooh lets see, 'Rusev and Lana had a wedding celebration on Raw, Mike and Maria are public on Raw, and Matt brings King Maxel to events, will we see you and Brooklyn have a wedding celebration like Rusev and Lana's?' Well that celebration was awesome, especially being backstage after seeing Lana fall into cake. I love my Brooklyn, and I love my Codi, so I'd love to have a public celebration, maybe on our anniversary. But if it does happen, I'll assure you, Brooklyn wont get cake on her face, and we wont have an Edge and Lita moment!"

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