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Childbirth is always a scary process. I mean, a human being is being dragged out of your body, and the pain is almost unbearable. I knew that having twins would've been painful but I underestimated it.

During the childbirth, I lost a lot of blood. A lot. Three litres of it to be exact; it was horrid. But the twins are safe, thankfully. They were both weighed at 4lbs, 6ounces, so they are perfectly healthy. It's just me that isn't healthy.

I'd been staying in the hospital because I was going to need a blood transfusion, which did suck. The food was disgusting, and the bed was less than comfortable. But the fact that TJ was coming in every day with flowers and bringing in food made everything so much better. I couldn't have gone through the labour without him.

I was a little worried to have the blood transfusion, but I wasn't entirely sure why. It was going to be fine, but any medical procedure makes me nervous. That's normal right?

I didn't really remember much from the transfusion. I remember TJ kissing my hand and saying he loves me, and then nothing. But I woke up back in the room with a fresh, beautiful, colourful bouquet of flowers next to the bed. "There she is!" I heard a familiar voice near enough screech as I finally woke up. "Ugh, it's you. Shouldn't you be off finding your missing dreadlock, Mr Swann?" "Ha Ha, Mrs P, but seriously, me and some of the guys wanted to make sure how you are. We do miss you at work." "Well aren't you sweet? But where's TJ though, he's usually here beside me?" I was growing confused that I couldn't see TJ in the room. "Oh, you didn't know?" Drew Gulak whispered at the back of the room before Noam opened his mouth. "Lass, me lad TJ, well he was the one who gave the three litres. Bless his tired heart. Yous are the same blood type, and he wanted to make sure you were okay."

((I know that Noam's speech is weird, I tried to incorporate Scottish pronunciation))

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