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(This chapter is dedicated to all of you. Thank you for 10,000 reads, I love you all so much. Enjoy.)

I was awoken in the early morning with severe stomach pains. At first, it was a sharp pain, which I wasn't too fazed as I thought it was just an after-bruise from work. but the fact it was waking me up during the night was beginning to startle me.

"Baby, what's wrong?" TJ asked sweetly as he saw me sit up on the bed, clutching my stomach in pain. "If there's a problem, I'll take you to the emergency room." "No, sweetface, don't worry, it'll stop soon. It's probably just my time of the month." "If you say so baby, just cuddle into me so I know you're okay." He reassured me with one of his sweet kisses, before laying back down beside me with his arms around me, letting me fall asleep in his arms.

But it must've been twenty minutes before I was awake again, clutching on to my stomach. I didn't want to go to the emergency room, so I tried to let TJ sleep. But he didn't care, and took me to the emergency room.

We was in a room, with nurses entering and leaving, and TJ holding my hand and being my biggest supporter. A nurse came in after around eighteen minutes. "Well, Mrs Perkins." I loved it when people called me 'Mrs Perkins'. "These tests have determined that you are in fact seventeen weeks pregnant."

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