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"Yes baby! Oh god just like that! Baby, harder! Harder!" I loved teasing TJ, especially at work! He was my sexy little sexual terrier, with an extremely high sex drive, so teasing him was even more fun.

"Babe, you do realise the more you tease me at work, the more I tease you when we're alone." He didn't care about what anyone thought of his sex drive, especially since we spent the majority of our time at work gettin' busy! I was sat in the makeup chair with TJ trying to wipe off the cosmetics because I was "more beautiful without makeup" which was cute and pretty funny, but I could tell the makeup artist was less than impressed with him. "Romeo, she does look beautiful without makeup but you have a match soon, go get ready." She said sternly as I tried not to giggle. "I want to be ready but I need to be pampered, I need foundation, lip shiz, mcShadow, the works." "Babe, really mcshadow? What the hell is that?" He was generally a smart guy, but when it came to makeup: not as smart. We smiled and giggled with each other for a while, before I rubbed some foundation on his cheek. "There, now I look beautiful, babe can I borrow your boob tape, I don't want my nipples being seen?" "Babe you are such a weirdo!" I loved him, but man he was weird! I lent him so bra padding while he got prepared for his match. As he walked away, he teasingly twerked on me, which caused me to 'smack dat ass'. "Ooo Papi, Mami likes."

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