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Ever since I made my return to Monday Night Raw, TJ and I were able to stay on the road together. For some people, staying on the road with your loved one could lead to getting sick of one another but we loved being together and annoying each other at any given opportunity!

Yet, for the past few weeks, I had been feeling a little worse for wear. I just thought it'd be the aches from returning to wrestling after coming back from an injury, Charlotte bought it to my attention that it could also be a sign of pregnancy. "You are in your prime within wrestling, do you think you are pregnant?" She asked as we were backstage at 205 Live. Significant others of Cruiserweight superstars were able to tag along and Charlotte had recently formed a relationship with Noam Dar which meant I could finally have some girl talk while being backstage. TJ and Noam were in a tag match so we both sat in catering to watch our men. "Have you taken a test?" She asked as we got some food. "Not yet, honestly, I'm scared to. I mean, what if I am? I'll have to give up wrestling, straight after coming back." "Does TJ want kids?" "More than anything. I want to make him happy and give him the world, but we're still in the first year of our relationship. If I am pregnant, I'll get fat and ugly and he'll leave me." By this point, Cedric Alexander had came to sit with us. "Do you honestly think he'd leave you? You're his world, he completely adores you. You'd be amazing parents, just focus on finding out."

Charlotte and I quickly dashed to a convenience store to get a test. I didn't want fans finding out so I stayed wrapped in one of TJ's hoodie. When we arrived back at the arena, I shoved the test in my bag as TJ gave me a quick kiss. He gave me one of his adorable hugs as he said he loved me. The rest of the locker room watched us and awed as we cuddled into each other.

As he left to go to the  showers, Charlotte sternly looked at me, as we headed into the ladies room. I unpacked the stick and performed the requirements. We waited for three minutes which felt like a million minutes. "How are you feeling?" She asked as we sat on the counters. "Like shit. I don't want to know the results, I just want to throw up." Finally three minutes ended and the results were there. A bright pink 'plus'. Oh god, I was pregnant. "Congratulations!" Charlotte grinned as she hugged me. "How are you gonna tell TJ?" "Oh god, I don't know." This was it. I was going to be a mom. And I still had to tell TJ.

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