Awkward Encounters

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I hadn't seen or had any contact with TJ for the past three weeks, and it was eating me up inside. I missed everything about him, his scent, his touch, even the way he spoke to me. It was like he was Prince Charming and I was his princess, or in our case, he was Super Mario and I was Princess Peach.

But being the Women's Champion meant I had to stay strong and battle through all of my personal issues. And it also meant that I had to work hard and be a role model for individuals around the world, and I was asked to help some of the NXT female Talent work on submissions  at the performance centre down in Orlando. I loved helping out the girls in developmental, they were always so sweet and in such awe!

I thought it'd be good to squeeze in a quick workout before I met with the girls, so when I arrived at the centre, I was very colour co-ordinated in blue a Victoria's Secret shirt and leggings, and some blue Nike Sneakers with the championship around my waist.

I must've been helping the girls for two and a half hours, before some of the cruiserweights came to train

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I must've been helping the girls for two and a half hours, before some of the cruiserweights came to train. I tried to avoid watching them, as I heard TJ's voice with them. I was not in the mood to see him, let alone be in the same room as him, so I continued helping the girls, even though I felt him looking at me.

As we finished up, I gave all of the girls a high five before they left. I had a quick shower before I headed back, but as I was in the car park, I heard TJ run after me and call me. I turned around with anticipation as I knew I had to be strong even though I was missing him like crazy. "Brooklyn!" He called again, as he finally caught up to me. "Wow, hey." "What do you want TJ? I have stuff to do." "Look, I don't want to get into it here, I just want you to know, I miss you. A ton. More than a ton. I know what I did was unforgiveable, and you deserve so much better than me, but I love you." He looked confused as he looked down, before I did as well, and we both realised I was wearing my engagement ring. To be honest, I didn't remember taking it out of the compartment, but I guess I was wearing it. "I can't apologise enough for what I did, and I know I hurt you, but I've not stopped thinking about you. Please, just say something." I saw the love in his eyes, but he was right, what he did was unforgiveable. "Bye TJ." I walked away as I got into my car. I tried so hard to not cry, but as soon as my car door shut, the tears came.

After an eighteen hour drive back to the house, I decided to go through a scenic route and drive past the house we once shared. I parked opposite it, but quickly turned away as I saw TJ go into the driveway. I couldn't take my eyes off him, particularly when he was breathing heavily, and looking down. In my heart, I knew that he was doing that because of me, but I didn't know what else to do. I quickly drove away, and went back to my house, before being greeted by Kingston and bursting into tears as I cuddled into one of TJ's hoodies.

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