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Hailstorms. I hated hailstorms.  I never talked about my childhood as it brought up a lot of memories, but the main reason I hated hailstorms was because the day my mom left, it was hailing. I always got scared, I always thought someone would leave me, and as I knew TJ was too good for me, I got more worried he'd go.

We were still at the house, but only for another few weeks, until we found a new place. We wanted to have a new place before we told his parents. It must've been about 2:45am when I first heard it. TJ and I were active during the night so we fell asleep naked, but I did fall asleep in his arms which was amazing.

As soon as I heard the hail, I sat up, and saw my arms shaking. I didn't want to wake Teej, so I quietly tried to walk to his closet to get one of his shirts. Rather than holding it, I wore one of his old shirts and got back into bed. "Why are you up, Princess?" He asked as he was still half asleep, his eyes shut but his voice had a sleepy and husky tone. "The hail woke me up. Scared me." He was the only person who knew the full story of my younger years and he always knew hoe to make me feel better. He extended his arms out for me, and as I cuddled into him, he could tell I was shaking.

It took around twenty-five minutes for the hail to end, and I never left Teej's arms. "Here, I know how to make you feel better." He reassured as he slowly took me out of his arms. I followed him into the kitchen and sat by the island as he started cooking for me. It was rare he cooked for me, but he was such a good cook. It was a nice sight seeing him  without wearing anything, so I had to annoy him with my hugs. I couldn't help but smile, as he showed he made me a bowl of my favourite ice cream. He was so loving.

"There's always one way you manage to keep me up all night." He smiled as he kept his arms around me. I didn't want to go back to bed, so he decided to make a fort with some blankets down by the couch, and we ended up playing video games in our own Fortress of Solitude.

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