Christmas Mornings

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Christmas Day. It was Christmas Day. As it was a religious holiday, WWE let the superstars have the day off so we could celebrate with our loved ones.

As I woke up, I found myself cuddled into TJ. His body facing me with his arms around me as I had my head buried in his chest. I loved mornings like these, the cold and bitter air sweeping into the room through a window as I watched my husband sleep, his smile, his hair, just everything about him was perfect.

I quietly tried to get out of bed so I could shower, but as I stood up, I felt a muscular arm push me back on to the bed and therefore into TJ's cuddle yet again. "No, stay." He grinned as he kept his eyes closed. "But doll face. I need to shower." "Then let me join you, you know how I love seeing you naked." He was such a tease, but who was I to say no! "But baby, you saw me naked last night." "I know, and it was great. So great that I want to see it again." "Babe, you saw me naked last night, you saw me naked this morning, how can you still be a horny toad?" "Because I'm your horny toad. Forever!"

Once he finally let me out of his cuddle, I decided to get out of bed, but once he saw my naked body moving towards the en suite, I felt a sexual groan, which was followed by TJ carrying me into the shower. I loved mornings like these, not just the sex, but the passion and the quality time that we were able to spend with each other. Not only was he my husband, but he was my best friend. My everything. My saviour. My horny toad. But most importantly, he was mine.

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