My Heaven's With You

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TJ and I had been married for four months, and despite what people were saying, we were more than happy where we were in our relationship. Some of the fellow superstars were pining for TJ and I to have a public ceremony but we didn't care for things like that. We were already married so what's the point of re-doing it?

We were staying at his parents house for the night, as we had finally found a smaller place for the two of us, but we weren't moving in for a few days. His parents were asleep in the master bedroom and TJ and I were on the couch. Well he was on the couch, I was sitting on his lap with my arms wrapped around his shoulders. I loved moments like this, just him and I spending quality time together, with no one mithering us. "I still remember the last time we were like this. Just the two of us, on this couch." He smiled as he pulled me in for a tight cuddle. "No, you don't, you eat too much sweets and candy." "I'm being serious sweetheart, the last time we were like this, you said you wanted to postpone the wedding to look after my parents." He was right. That was the last time we were like this was when I wanted to postpone the wedding. Knowing that he remembered things like that made me love him even more, so I rested my head on his shoulder and pulled a blanket over the two of us. "And now look at where we are." He smiled as he wrapped an arm around my so I was able to fully cuddle into him. "We've gone from postponing our wedding to eloping to cuddling up on a couch. And every moment I've spent with you since we met have been the best of my life, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you." He always found a way to make my heart melt. "I know that eloping wasn't what we had planned, and you have done a lot for me, so if you want a big public wedding, let's do it!" I wasn't bothered about big fancy weddings, as long as I was married to the love of my life, I didn't care. But to know, he was willing to marry me all over again just to make me happy, proved my point, I really was the luckiest girl in the world.

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