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With TJ now having the character of Suicide in WWE, senior management and the creative team were eager to have him and I form as a tag team

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With TJ now having the character of Suicide in WWE, senior management and the creative team were eager to have him and I form as a tag team. But there was a number of problems, the main one being I was on the SmackDown Live Roster.

It was Monday Night Raw and I was making my long awaited return; but not as Brooklyn Levya. No, I was now Tethys, who was basically the female version of Suicide. Everything was set. Throughout Raw, church bells would ring, then during Suicide's match against Cedric Alexander, church bells would ring yet again but this time, the screen would show me in a dark graveyard, next to the 'body' of Brooklyn Levya.

Finally it was Suicide's match. The world was about to meet Tethys for the first time. The guys were about to lock up, when suddenly the church bells rang, and the entire arena went pitch black. The screen had static before it showed me, by a Celtic grave, with the 'body' of Brooklyn Levya beside me. I was in my gear with my new skeleton makeup and lace cloak, and as I moved my cloak from the body, I stared deep into the camera. "Six feet under." I muttered as even I was giving myself the impression of something gory. "All good things come to an end; be ready." The screen suddenly shut off and then there I was in the ring as the lights turned back on. Nobody knew what to do, the commentators didn't know what to say, and Cedric looked petrified of Suicide and I.  Suicide instantly performed his finisher and won the match, whilst I just stood there and watched.

It's safe to say, I put the Women's Division on notice. To amend the words of Alice Cooper: 'No more Mr Nice Girl'

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