What If?

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4 weeks until my due date

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4 weeks until my due date. My heart was booming, I was so excited to meet Codi! But, deep down I was missing being in the ring, but as I was still under contract, I was still able to be backstage for Raw, as long as I wasn't going to be in harm's way.

"You look so radiant Brookey!" Lana gushed as we sat in catering. It was Sasha, myself, Nia, and Lana were all sat around the table. The girls were all feeling little Codi when TJ surprised me with a hug. He kissed my cheek, causing me to blush while everyone 'awed' at us. He took my hand and led me away until we were alone, until he lifted me on to an equipment box.

"They're right though babe, you look beautiful with a baby bump." He gushed as he stroked my hand. I will admit, having him travelling all the time was beginning to worry me, but he was so loving and thoughtful that I knew I could speak to him about anything. "Sweetie, I love you n'all, but can we talk?" "Of course baby, what's up?" "It's stupid really, but like we're four weeks away from the due date, what if you're travelling when I go into labour? What if you're here? What if you're in the middle of a match and my water breaks? Labour is scary, I don't want to be there alone." "I know sweetie, I know." He knew I hated to open up, so the fact I did gave him the urge to give me the biggest hug. "Babe, I'm nervous for this too, but trust me, you and Codi mean the world to me. The absolute world. There's nothing I wouldn't do for the two of you. If I'm travelling, I'd turn around and come to see you, if I'm backstage, I'd go, if I'm in a match, I'd leave. Nothing can happen that'll stop me seeing our little girl being born." That nearly bought a tear to my eye. He was already such an incredible dad, and I was so excited to be starting this life with him.

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